What excites or inspires you?

We love asking the folks that inspire and excite us about what inspires and excites them. Check out their responses below.
This question reminds me of a quote by Ansel Adams: “You don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” In my understanding, art creation is a process of exposing my inner self, and sharing my feelings with others at the exact moment. With that being said, I can be influenced and inspired by a lot of different unrelated stuff in my life. Read more>>
We are truly inspired by the chance that our business provides us to help people. People have gone through a lot of challenges in the past few years. It means the world to us to be able to bring smiles to their faces with our products. It seems that the pandemic caused people to take a closer look at their living spaces and prompted many of them to seek items to place in their homes and offices that would bring them joy. Just a few days ago a customer came in who had spent a long time in the hospital with Covid during 2020. Read more>>
I am passionate about personal growth and authentic relating, so it is super rewarding to be a facilitator for others in their self-discovery through the Nature Oracle readings I offer. Animals and nature have always been a source of peace and inspiration for me. I also love storytelling. My interpretation of the cards empowers my clients to frame their stories in a way that highlights their strengths and gifts and validates their own inner truth and knowing. Read more>>
I am incredibly inspired by people and their stories. Their change, growth, brokenness and healing… the winding paths that take them to where they are, and where they are eventually going. My favorite wood to work with is wood that was hurt by circumstances, but not destroyed; it’s generally extremely unappealing and disfigured at first glance, but when I’m done turning it, those circumstances just created a more valuable beautiful inside. Read more>>