“If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”

We asked the community to tell us about the values and principles that guide their lives and businesses.

MOsley WOtta | Artist, Creative Laureate, Feilds Fellow, Legacy Creative

The guiding principle right now is that things are actively becoming BETTER THAN I COULD IMAGINE. And that’s good cuz I gotta great imagination. Also it means when impossibility seems like the only option available, the realities involving my “not knowing” becomes a source of calm excitement. That is not to say I don’t feel the pain or confusion, I do. Read more>>

Desarae Sethman | I am an owner in a commercial construction company, owner of a home building company, a content creator and blogger, a clothing designer and soon will be whiskey house owner.

Love. Do all things in love. I would have to say, that would be the principle that matters the most to me, it is truly a cornerstone in my life and a driving force in my business, and personal decisions. What gets me through the hard career days? Love, passion, if you love what you do, it makes it easier to face the difficult days. Read more>> 

Mango Johnstone | Astrologer and Visual Artist

I value offering a top quality product no matter what I’m doing. I’m quite idealistic by nature. Whether interpreting an astrological chart and using it to counsel a client—or in the other part of my life, creating a piece of original art—I want to do my part to help raise the bar in both professions. Read more>>