What value or principle matters most to you?

In our view, values and principles are the foundation upon which our lives, careers and relationships are built. So, we asked folks we admire to open up to us about the values and principles that matter most to them.
I wrote down guidelines for myself when I first started out with Freestone. These sum up the beliefs that I try to stick to with each day and decision. Honor God in my work Work Ethic and Balance: Work hard during working hours, but do not make work more important than my relationship with God, my friends, or my family. Do Not Compromise: Regardless of whether I can make an extra dollar or appeal to a wider audience, never make a decision that is contrary to God’s moral standards. Read more>>
Authenticity. Music is something you must be genuine and authentic about. I want my music to be an expression of who I am but I also want my music to connect with people. There is nothing more authentic than writing a song about something that I have been through and having that song touch someone who may be experiencing the same thing. If your music isn’t authentic you won’t find a connection with your audience and your message won’t be heard. Read more>>
The principle of “self-awareness cultivation” and, honestly, the value of time is what matters most to me. This principle is the foundation of my business and my life. Cultivation is a process. If you think about it, cultivation is also a word commonly used in agriculture. The same can be applied to cultivating self-awareness. You prepare the soil to be its best to nourish a tiny seed that turns into plants that feed. Self-awareness requires intentional reflection often. To give life the best of you as many days as possible, keep your soil as nourished as possible. Read more>>