They say life isn’t about the things that happen to you, but about the decisions you make. There’s a ton of coverage about the best decisions people have made, but not nearly enough conversation about the tough decisions. We asked folks we admire to tell us about the most difficult decision they’ve ever had to make and have shared some of those responses below.

Laura Wieliczko | Makeup Artist & Orthodontic assistant

One of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make was moving to Colorado. I’m originally from Chicago and that’s where my family lives.
I knew that coming here would mean I’m starting new. New friends, place to live, new job, new clients! It was tough leaving everything behind, but moving to Colorado was the best decision I’ve ever made. Read more>>

Miriam Quiroz | Business Owner

The most difficult decision we had to make was to decide between starting our own business or to pay the rent of our home, it was a hard choice, because we have a family to think about and at the moment we were both jobless and waiting our third kid and we only had that money on our accounts. We decided to start the business and gladly it was a success and we got our rent money back multiplied. Read more>>

Megan Thoprakane | Small Business Owner & Pastry Chef

To begin. Deciding to stop working a reliable 9-5 with a consistent income and take a chance at working for myself with no guarantee that things were going to work out or not. Read more>>

Alexander Spear | Mortgage Broker

Taking a leap of faith for my business. There is a lot of unknown factors when you start your own business, especially in a comission only based industry. The decision to leave a comfortable job with benefits and embark on a journey to being my own boss ultimately stemmed from my desire to acheive financial and time freedom. The ability to make my own hours and structure my business the way I see fit is a dream come true and a reality that is still setting in. Although it often means working more and demanding more of myself than any boss I’ve had in the past, the reward of watching my business grow is unparalleled. Read more>>