What’s the right work-life balance for you?

Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.
When I had a traditional job, my work-life balance basically came down to working, then recovering from work and trying to take my mind off of it. Now that I’m freelance full-time the balance has blended or disappeared. Being a photographer has become how I define myself, which leads to constantly thinking about work, learning, working, and coming this Spring, teaching. I’d say I try to balance that by making time for personal projects and other hobbies. I’m really into ice climbing, but even then I’m taking pictures haha. Read more>>
When I first started East + West Designs, I wanted to have a job that allowed me to have freedom—specifically with my time. I was getting ready to graduate college with a BFA in Graphic Design and all the jobs out there seemed to be extremely grueling with incredibly long hours, no free-time, and zero social life. Just you and your computer all day, every day. Little did I know that as soon as I decided to start my own business, the whole freedom and work life balance concept was going to be much harder than I even realized. Read more>>
I started my career as a public school art teacher. It was an amazing seven years of teaching around 500 elementary students a week for an hour long art class. I gained so much experience in teaching art, managing students, gaining leadership skills, and practicing new art medias. It also meant many long hours after the school day grading, prepping art materials, and lesson planning. Read more>>
Ah, balance. Allusive at times, but oh so necessary! My work life balance has changed throughout the years as a business owner, with times of growth demanding more attention, and times of stability redefining what I’m capable of. When I first decided to open my own massage practice, I was working as a physical therapy assistant, commuting an hour each day, then spending my evenings and weekends massaging and all the little things that come with building a business. Not long into that routine, I decided I needed one more thing on my plate and began an online nutritional program. Read more>>
I used to think that over working myself was the key to success. I would become anxious whenever I wasn’t working, thinking that having fun or participating in other activities, was a waste of my time. After living that way for some time, burning out, and losing inspiration, I realized that being active in other areas of life was extremely beneficial to my business growth. I think living life gives me massive inspiration as an artist, and it’s a nice reward for working diligently. Read more>>
Work-life balance: How has your balanced changed over time? Early on in my career, my commitments were divided between work (always putting my best efforts in everything I did – if my name was on it, it was going to be the best) and family (always wanting to be a good parent and provider). Both of those created more stress than I realized at the time. However, after a divorce, job changes and a heart attack it truly became time to re-evaluate absolutely everything. Read more>>
Since I’m not able pursue my small art business full time, work life balance is incredibly important. I need to be able to spend time on my passions outside of my day job, while also giving myself time to recharge. Often, because I don’t have to rely on my art business for my income, doing art becomes part of my down time, my me time, my time to relax. The time I’m able to commit to my small business varies over the course of the year. As a competitive equestrian, I spend a lot of my after work time in the saddle during the spring and summer. Then, when we shift to fall and winter, I’m able to devote more time to my artwork. Read more>>
Work life balance for me as a restaurant General Manager changes throughout the year, we have slower months like January whereas the Christmas season is extremely busy. There is plenty of time when work needs my full attention and vice versa for my personal life. Maintaining my balance for me starts with boundaries and vocalizing them from the beginning of any kind of relationship. When I have the opportunity to give work my all, Read more>>