A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a thing as work-life balance. We reached out to the community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.

Colleen Hennessy | Painter and Photographer

My work/life balance has changed a great deal over time. When I worked full-time for a non-profit in Denver, I had very little time or energy to paint or make photographs. I have a painting studio, created from a two-car garage that has been a fantastic place to work during the warmer months of the year. I have managed nicely and have been prolific in my work no matter what space was available to me at the time. My work-life balance improved immensely when I received a scholarship to paint for 6 months at Art Gym Denver. I am now a member of Art Gym and I am able to devote a good part of my week to my creative work and experimentation. Read more>>

Maureen Palazzolo | Abstract Artist and Nurse Anesthetist

When I began my first career as a nurse anesthetist, I was a single mom of two kiddos under the age of five. Working up to that career I had spent seven years as a nurse, mostly in the pediatric intensive care unit. The schedule of ICU nurses is notoriously difficult in part because of the long shifts, the emotional stress of the job, and in my case working only night shifts. At that point in my life, I was dedicated to giving my time and energy to my work because I felt called to it. As I transitioned to my anesthesia career I was also dedicated to the job in the early years because I wanted to become clinically proficient, and in medical careers experience contributes mightily to proficiency. However, I missed almost every event at my kids’ schools–I missed plays, concerts, Muffins with Mom…you name it, I couldn’t make it. Read more>>

Rebecca Dollard | Somatic Life Coach and Mentor

Balance is something every client I have worked with, has wanted help with. It’s on every client intake form as a goal of theirs in working with me. As a mom who is an entrepreneur growing a business while raising babies, two of my most important roles, I see balance very differently than what most people are looking for. A lot of moms come to me thinking that the balance they are after will come in the form of a perfect morning routine, a perfect life system, or perfect time management. They think balance is something they are doing wrong, not an active skill and trait that we are going to build. For women craving balance, especially between our work and motherhood, what I’ve found most women really need and are craving is self-leadership. Read more>>

Jessica Vallia | M.Photog.Cr., CPP

I’m a mom of 4 kiddos ranging in ages 8 to 20, as of today. When I started my photography journey, I was a Jr. in high school with not a care in the world. SO much has changed since then. My husband and I run TWO full time businesses with our 4 kiddos in tow often. I would say that the balancing act becomes not our time as much as it becomes healthy boundaries with our clients and balancing self-care. We balance our clients and our time by having boundaries around basically everything. If you truly think of your business as just that, a business you will be more likely to keep those boundaries. We both have strict “office hours” M-Fri 9-4pm for calls, texts, and emails. Read more>>