Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.
Miki Harder | Illustrator& Nordic Ski Instructor
Oooooooo.. good question! Well, funding one’s life balancer is an “issue” and gathering the courage to “do with art” is kind of , a leap of faith. I commend those who ventured off immediately… but I found more security in waiting tables and teaching Nordic Skiing, things I felt safe doing and thought I was pretty good at. It took sometime to gather the confidence to ask for $ doing this thing that, well , represented ME and my vision. It is ” safer to put one’s energy behind something else and call yourself a representative, but to say. This is , umm, my art and my idea of the world is quite another approach. Read more>>
Dan Taro | Producer, Live Act & DJ
The idea of work carries negative baggage for many people. Often, it’s a responsibility that we may reluctantly tend to. Our life often exists separate from work. Naming creative endeavors as work doesn’t seem fitting to me. I, like many artists, feel that making art isn’t work. It ought not be agonizing. It’s something I want to engage in, or else why do it? In terms of a balance, I make music basically every day. It’s probably the furthest thing from work. In fact when I don’t do it, I go a bit mad. Perhaps there’s not much of what you’d call a “work life balance” there. The line is blurred for me. Read more>>
Benya Basseches | Experience Researcher & Ponchopreneur
My path to getting where I am today, in career and life, was largely influenced by my drive to live a balanced life. To me, balance means having the time and freedom to do the things that bring me joy, that energize me, that fill me with gratitude for living on this earth…instead of feeling that life is dictated or constrained by work. I ’ve experienced both states of being in the last several years of my life. Read more>>