Artists & creatives on why they pursued a creative career

Artistic and creative careers are among the most rewarding, but they also come with unique challenges. We asked some of the city’s best creatives to tell us why they choose to pursue a creative career.
Photography found me. I did not believe I had a gift in anything. I had no career desire in High School until I picked up my camera. I bought my first camera, a Canon Rebel T1i and decided to go all into my passion that winter after graduating high school. I have a God given gift. Why would I not pursue this career? I haven’t regretted my pursue in the photography world one bit. Read more>>
I started my career in comedy because my entire life family and friends told me I should be on TV making people laugh. I didn’t take it seriously until I got older and got married and told my wife I really think I should try and start my comedy career and start doing stand-up comedy. She was 100 percent on board and told me she supports it and I should do. So I went from there found some open mics and jumped right in. I knew this was the career for me and something I love doing and that I’m great at. My family and friends who believed in me and always kept telling me I should pursue this comedy thing definitely played a role in me actually believing in myself and pursuing this! Read more>>
I chose to pursue a creative career that fosters healing and growth by showing up authentically with compassion to support and serve others along their journey. I strive to grow within myself daily while empowering others to do the same as their spiritual advisor. I call in all those whom want to grow and learn thru soul work to fulfill their intentions whole-heartedly! As a Reiki Master, Death Doula, Crystal Healer and Empowerment Coach my purpose is spread the message of Love and Light thru Energy Work. We can nourish the Mind, Body, and Soul by creating a life that truly serves our highest good. I guide my tribe to build trust and faith thru spiritual and holistic work, allowing our guides to present in our journey of life. Read more>>
I have always been both left- and right-brained, meaning I gravitate towards careers and hobbies which provide me an opportunity to use my more logistical and my more creative sides equally. Basically, if I’m limited to one avenue of expression, I feel restricted and claustrophobic. So, for me, choosing a career which allows flexibility to pursue multiple interests was essential. Read more>>
I tried to work a standard corporate marketing job for the sake of “stability.” But I was incredibly unhappy with the mundane tasks of entry level content creation. I wanted a career that felt fulfilling, made an impact on my community, challenged me everyday, and allowed me to live a life outside the four walls of an office. I am so grateful for the lifestyle and creative outlet that photography provides me. Read more>>