Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation?  Please share with us below.

Mike Simuns | Biscuit Food truck owner

KISS – Keep it simple stupid… What I mean by that, keeping it small and manageable and staying focused on the desired outcome. On my biscuit truck I could have done a side of gravy or hash browns. I could have done anything. These are all good ideas, but by specifically narrowing my focus I was able to keep my overhead down and to keep this as a one-man job. So many trucks swing for the fences, they feel that just because they can and have the talent that they should… But I believe that all steps, even small ones like adding gravy or hash browns, are still a step in a unfocused direction… and small steps add up to big steps and can drown you in work if not careful. This is one of the keys to my success. “Keep it simple stupid” allows me to build an easily identifiable and marketable brand. Read more>>

Julie Rodriguez | Interior Designer & Home Stager

When I started my business, my motto became “Transforming lives one room at a time”. I like this quote because it speaks the truth. When I design, I am not only transforming a room or a house, I am transforming a life. I stand behind the fact that when a room or home is designed well, it makes the person living there feel good. Just like the saying “when you look good, you feel good”, I believe coming home to a beautifully designed home makes you feel amazing! Read more>>

Angela Anderson | Residential Interior Designer

“The grass is greener where you water it.” This quote has really inspired me to do the best I can with what I have, realizing that happiness only truly comes from within. There will always be challenges, frustrations, setbacks, and failures in life, so ensuring you cultivate what you have is the only way to set yourself up for success in the future. I have found this to be 1000% true in my life and career. Read more>>

Nick & Jaclyn Sutton | Content Creator & Luminaries

“Time never stops to rest, never hesitates, never looks forward or backward. Life’s raw material spends itself now, this moment -which is why how you spend your time is far more important than all the material possessions you may own or positions you may attain.” This quote by Denis Waitley speaks to us in volumes, continually reminding us to live our lives for today as tomorrow is not promised to anyone. With this mindset we are inspired to live each day as though it is our last, making the most of our time here on Earth. To us, life is not about having the most or best “stuff” or working our lives away at a job just to have a prestigious title and a paycheck. To us, life is too precious not to be lived doing what makes us happy; and for us that’s the unforgettable experiences we encounter everyday through our travels, the people we meet along the way, working for ourselves to meet our own goals and constantly living in the “Now.” Read more>>

Brittany Cason | Skincare & Body Care Owner

My favorite affirmation is, “I open my heart to promising opportunities that bring me joy and growth.” To me, this is a way to practice mindfulness. I am allowing positive energy to flow through every part of my life, both personally and professionally. As an entrepreneur, I use this affirmation to set goals for what and where I want my business to be. Positivity is contagious, so as long as I am putting that into the universe, in some way or form, it will be returned back in to me. Read more>>

mimosa lo | Photographer/videographer

My favourite affirmation is “When you want something, the whole universe conspires in order for you to achieve it” — The Alchemist. I love this quote, because I experienced it. I once read a blogger that she is working for a project in Egypt, I was thinking wow how nice to work in Egypt, it would be great if I can do that too. Not long after, I applied an office job in Egyptian Chambers Of Commerce, I was not so into office job, but on the second day, they asked me if I would like to work for a project in Egypt, I of course said YES! Read more>>