Favorite Quotes & Affirmations

We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.
Since high school, my favorite quote has always been, “take a chance while you’ve still got the choice”. These are the words of Bon Scott from AC/DC. When opportunity knocks, we are faced with the decision to go for it, or to go in another direction. Sometimes a chance may come again, but in another form and maybe not one that is a s suitable as the one that has passed. I don’t always live by that quote, and there are many times that I wished I had seized upon an opportunity upon presenting itself. These days, I do tend to reflect more on Bon’s words and realize that once the choice is gone, it may actually not arise again, even in different forms. Read more>>
“In the end, only three things matter; how much you loved, how gently you lived and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” -Buddha This quote came to me at a really big transitional time in my life, and it was something I said out loud daily that helped carry me through it all. The ending of a toxic relationship, moving back home with my parents as an adult, leaving a job, etc. Read more>>
I do, and it’s actually my own quote. There are so many quotes from so many inspiring artists, writers, and other notable figures currently in our world and throughout history that I truly admire, but I think that coming up with my own quote about what I do just feels more special. I think these really capture my art and how I try to live my life. “There are so many ugly things happening in the world, and I want to add more beauty.” It’s kind of a “be the change” type quote, and when I say beauty, I mean that I want my art to be beautiful, but I also want to add more kindness to the world. Read more>>
My favorite affirmation is “you can”. It may come across as rather simplistic but it has meant a lot to me over the years. I grew up in the world of competitive junior tennis, competing across the United States and internationally for many years. During that time I came to struggle with my mental health as I reached young adulthood, and that struggle translated into a severe sense of self doubt. I doubted myself competing, I doubted myself in the classroom, I doubted myself in life. This quote helped me check those doubts before they affected my performance in school, at my job, or at my internships. Read more>>
My favorite quote does not come from anybody famous or anything, but instead my brother. “Humility opens doors, arrogance could never reach.” – Idrissa Camara. When he first said it; I had just decided that I was going to pursue rap, but I was so self conscious. Being from Colorado, there are not many rappers or musicians to look up to, so this made me feel like I shouldn’t even try. It was in my mind that since rappers from the mountain state regions were not making their mark in the industry, it will be impossible for me. Read more>>