How do you think about work life balance?

24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week. Junior investment bankers regularly work 80-90 hours a week. Many other high profile professions require the same level of commitment. Often those on the outside claim that working 80-90 hours a week is bad/wrong/terrible/silly/etc but we’ve spoken with so many folks who say working that much has been the best decision of their life – it allowed them to develop a deep and strong skill set far faster than would have been possible otherwise. In other words, by working 2x the hours, they were able to generate 5x or more the rewards. And depending on where you are in your career, investing heavily in your skills and competence can pay dividends for a long time.
As a young business owner, full-time professional therapist, model, and new home owner, it can be incredibly difficult to balance the demands each of those separate roles place. When I am overwhelmed, the balance is a power struggle, where at certain times a role might feel similar to a screaming toddler who is starved for attention or a tug of war. From a healthier perspective, I strive to think of work life balance as a dance between the different roles and responsibilities that I fill, all of which bring me joy, satisfaction, and a sense of purpose. Read more>>
I think work life balance is constantly changing. When I first became a nurse I felt like my work life balance was great working three days a week, 12-hour shifts. I had time to go to the gym, cook, and craft. Then, I had a baby and started working on my Master’s Degree so my work life balance shifted. I still loved my job, but I couldn’t wait to get home to my family. I felt like I was adjusting to my new responsibilities of being a mom when my husband passed away suddenly. Read more>>
Honestly, it was on a whim. I had been a stay-at-home mom for several years and was just starting to think about what the next stage would look like since my kids were growing up. I had worked for OZ Architecture in (Denver/Boulder) and Broadway Malyan (London) before I had kids and I knew I didn’t want to go back full-time just yet. Someone in my neighborhood put out a request for design advice on one of the social media platforms for my neighborhood. I responded and said I could help and after that initial meeting, I came home and started working on making Haskett Designs a business. Read more>>