What’s Your Why?

We asked some of the most creative folks we know to open up to us about why they chose a creative career path. Check out their responses below.
We decided that we would open ourselves to the possibility that we can create healing music and contribute to the world around us. We decided to have faith that the music would support us financially, spiritually, and physically. We all worked career jobs that prevented us from having the time to devote to our gift and passion of creating music. Methodically, we each left those positions to record and perform our music. We thought it was possible to thrive professionally and do it our way rather than work a 9-5 that didn’t allow us to express our gifts. We are grateful for the opportunity. Read more>>
I pursed my career as a film director because, for me, movies communicate with every audience. This allows me to resonate my artistic voice with the world. Not only am I a visual artist, but I am also a story teller; meaning, I can tell my stories to the world and people are able to connect with them in various ways. Most mainstream Hollywood movies don’t focus on the emotion and thought process of a story’s characters. Instead, these blockbusters try to narrate a movie as quickly and efficiently as possible, and this results in the audience interacting strictly with the action on screen. Read more>>
I feel the most like myself when I’m creating. I’m lucky enough to have found a field of work that allows me to be artistic and creative every day. I always wanted to pursue a career in the arts and actually started my formal education as a dancer. I’ve now landed in a career that at it’s core, highlights performance, which feels wonderfully full circle. Read more>>
• truthfully, it’s taken me quite a while to really come up wit’ a real answer for dat’. however, as i get older & went thru da’ experiences i went thru thus far i’ve realized dat’ my main goal/purpose wit’ pursuin’ an artistic or creative career is to impact culture. think about it, once it’s considered ‘cool’ in culture then it’s deem’d as socially acceptable. bein’ dat’ hip hop is da’ biggest genre of music in da’ world currently, as a rapper i hold a lot of influence over those who support/follow me. Read more>>
I vividly remember being in a voice lesson a few years ago. I was twenty years old, just finding my voice as a classical voice student. I was singing through an Italian aria and relishing every high note, every run, every luscious, indulgent sweep of the melodic line. Finishing the song with a flourish, I looked over to my voice professor, with expectant pride and confidence. She walked across from the piano to where me and my music stand held out posture like an Olympic gymnast sticking her landing. Read more>>
Honestly it’s something that I’ve always loved, and always wanted to do. I just never really had enough faith in myself to do it, if that makes sense? Relying on yourself and your talents to provide for yourself, is terrifying. Especially when you don’t have very strong trust in yourself or your work. It kind of got to the point that I was just so miserable doing everything else, though, that I had to do it. Read more>>
How did I get here? I broke my leg and ankle in an accident and spent my 21st birthday in a wheel chair. I had a lot of time to think about my path and I shifted being a musician to fine jewelry sales and design. In college, my main focus was studying classical music on clarinet and music theory. I took clarinet and piano lessons, I gave clarinet and saxophone lessons to over 30 students, I played tenor saxophone in the jazz band, sang in the choir, played clarinet in the band and orchestra and also gigged on sax on the weekends with other bands in bars and venues; music was my life. Read more>>
I have always loved writing but a phone call from my college roommate (University of Kentucky) in November 2019 changed my perspective and set me on the path to becoming an author. For a decade, I used Facebook as a creative outlet to inspire, motivate and laughter to my friends. No topic was off limits and I wrote from the heart even about difficult life issues such as my wife’s breast cancer battle and how it feels to lose close friends in your 30s. I balanced it with humorous stories which stemmed from coaching youth sports for 13 years and a nonprofit I established for schools and children in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, even though I lived in Denver. Read more>>
When I was younger my parents would treat me to all types of creative outlets. Anything from lock and loop to coloring and drawing . My junior high art teacher made me see more sides to creating . We did news paper mache , painting , tissue paper glass windows . I am currently a hair stylist on a year leave . Thanks to my husband who is an instructor. I still love to dabble with all types of arts and crafts . More watercolor , acrylic paint pours as well as crochet. Read more>>
Ever since i was little i knew I wanted to be a singer. I’ve worked many many jobs and none of them brought me happiness. Although i was getting paid, i just felt like a real piece of me was missing! As i got older, I realized i could actually make money off of doing what i loved! Thats when i started researching more on how to turn my music into a brand. Read more>>
When I was younger I really thought I was going to be a doctor, but there was this click when I discovered anime. Like, really discovered what anime was. The storytelling, the art style, the amazing characters all drew me in. “I want to draw like that” I thought, and started practicing. The more I practiced, the more I loved it. I started researching more about anime and manga, and in 6th grade knew that I wanted to pursue art. Over time, the specific career has changed from manga artist to Pixar animator to illustrator. It’s been quite the journey, and I still want to explore a lot of art fields and careers, but overall have landed on being an artist. It’s what I love. Read more>>