Meet Belinda Ginter | Certified Emotional Kinesiologist, Mindset Expert & CEO of Unstoppable Mindset Inc

We had the good fortune of connecting with Belinda Ginter and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Belinda, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
Risk taking is rarely discussed because most of society is risk adverse.
We’re taught at a very young to play it safe, colour within the lines and that risks are bad. But really all that we desire in life lies right beyond a risk. The marriage or relationship we want is right beyond the risk of asking someone out on a date, risking loving someone, being vulnerable with no guarantee and the same principal applies to business.
After 6,500 clinic hours coaching entrepreneurs I have noticed some patterns and it’s interesting it’s not over the fear of the risk we need to take in business its the fear of making a decision to take the risk in the first place. It’s indecision that leads us all astray, that takes us off course and does not allow for our dream and goals to come true.
I can say personally once I dropped any chance of a plan B and risked it all I went from welfare to 6 figures and climbing. As its the “being all in” that determines your success. You can’t just dip your toe in business, life and relationships, you need to fully commit!
Your success in life, business and relationships is in direct proportion to your level of commitment and level of risk tolerance.
Please do not be afraid to risk, to fully submerge yourself in your dreams and goal because I would rather risk and not succeed then never try. Life can be what. you make it, make yours count.
Belinda Ginter
Certified Emotional Kinesiologist
International Mindset Expert
What should our readers know about your business?
Unstoppable Mindset Inc provides mindset training for people who want to be trained and certified as professional mindset coaches. It also assists corporations and companies in creating team & client results with mindset.
Belinda Ginter has been featured in Cosmopolitan, Business Insider, The Huffington Post & The Globe and Mail to name a few.
Ha ha easy, business is NEVER easy but it will give you what you put into it. Most get into business wanting the ease right off the bat however the ease comes much later after you have been in smart work mode for a period of time. The hustle is real but if you welcome it you will be able to build a long term sustainable business.
Our level of customer support sets up apart. I can honestly say you wont find a company that care more about your company than Unstoppable Mindset Inc. We are highly invested in the success of our clients!
Our founders Scottish heritage shines through in our determination and stubbornness to get results for our consumers. We simply don’t give up and our motto is “nobody left behind”
One of the biggest lessons I learned was resilience and resourcefulness is a massive key to success. You must be extremely resilient in business and you need to become the most resourceful person you know. The other biggie for me was learning to be my own internal cheerleader. In business and life people often do not cheer you on until AFTER you achieved what. you set out to do. Learn to cheer yourself on, to become your own cheerleader and you will never feel empty as you build your empire.
My brand like most changed and grew over time. It went through branding colour and logo changes, name changes and description changes more times than I would like to admit.. Now looking back I see that was how it all was supposed to go, it was an evolution of something great that I am proud of …. but it took its time coming into its own sort of speak.
Be patient with your growth, as long as you stay consistent , are full of integrity and believe in yourself your business will thrive but in it’s time not yours. Have faith!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
A fun filled day of a morning hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park , followed by a great meal at any number of amazing Denver restaurants followed by some shopping and a Denver Broncos game should be the Perfect day in my eyes.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Big thank you to the support from my husband Dr. Derek Ginter and my children Natel and Gavin. My business collaborator Bob Gauvreau. My mentors Drs, Rose & Brian Backman, Dr. John Demartini and teachings from the late Bob Proctor & Wayne Dyer to mention a few.
Instagram: @unstoppablebelinda
Image Credits
Images taken by : Jenish Odigski at Odigski Media