Meet Chris Earl | Rancher and Angus Cattle Consultant

We had the good fortune of connecting with Chris Earl and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Chris, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Like many the attraction of being fully responsible for the running, success or failure of the business was what we believed fit our approach to life and family.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
CK6 Consulting and Reverse Rocking R Ranch We believe are both ventures of faith, dedication and selflessness. These were truths of life our parents, grand parents and great friends instilled in us early. The working with clients and customers on a daily basis have helped bring a service minded everyday approach to ranching and consulting. The key we believe is to balance a competitive spirit in a free market with service and sacrifice . The challenges of both business’ keep the balance and sacrifice in check for sure (lol) and our faith helps keep the balance and rewards of our efforts for others. We have found if you work for your self it is not nearly as satisfying as working for others. That gets us through the challenges, we would have quit if we were working for ourselves. We don’t believe we are service or efforts are special , we hope they are consistent, everyday and progressive in business. I don’t know that I want the world to remember anything but our brand but I do want the Lord to know we left it all on the field for His vision.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
We have many visitor’s as NE New Mexico truly is one of the special places 0n earth. We have locations of Taos, NM, Cold Beer, NM Red River NM that are fantastic spots. However the true joy of our parts in the stillness of time, the brightest milky way we have ever seen, the rock formations that can’t be found anywhere. You find God here in all His splendor and peacefulness. Then He let’s you know on tough days He is God and if you want his splendor you take His challenges. Love it
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Without question my wife Krista has been the God given reason we are able to pursue our dreams as one. My parents, kids’, brothers and sisters are a great source of inspiration to keep on ranching and consulting. My college football experience and all the friendships are responsible for helping me develop a no excuses attitude towards life and business. Our current clients and customers give us the inspiration to carry on in genetic advice, marketing and genetic development
Image Credits
Chris & Krista Earl Our sons Trent and Garrett and great friends of the ranch