Meet CJ Gerber | General Contractor

We had the good fortune of connecting with CJ Gerber and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi CJ, how did you come up with the idea for your business?
Right out of college I began working for a General Contractor that specialized in the remedy of construction defect issues. I was trained and specialized in working with engineers to find and resolve issues with original construction. It felt great to take something that was incorrect and make it right. I got to see people who were left in shambles and very frustrated made new, made whole again. What a feeling that was!
Years later, my wife started working in real estate. Her fellow agents and herself were constantly looking to find a reliable inspector. I saw a great opportunity to use what I knew to help out and make a difference at the same time. I started my company as a home inspection service. I felt good providing customers with detailed reports about their potential future homes that would educate them on a huge investment they were about to make. Almost every customer would ask if I do repairs and renovations as well. Unfortunately, ethically, if I inspect homes I cannot also do repairs and renovations on that same home within a calendar year. That said, I loved the idea of using what I already knew and had been doing for the years prior. Ethically, I can do renovations and repairs on homes that others had inspected. So, I saw another opportunity to help customers by speaking with other agents about this repair and renovation service. I started getting flooded with opportunities to help improve people’s homes after their purchase had been made. From there, the rest is history. I am a few years deep with my own company and we have made hundreds of customers happy!
I named my company PRIDE for a few reasons. I believe it takes PRIDE from a contractor to make sure what they are doing truly represents them, but also is the right thing! No cutting corners and no cheap materials! By doing this the customers can take PRIDE in their homes. PRIDE also represents the family, as family is the foundation and the reason for why I do what I do!
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
Well, our name says it all, PRIDE. We are a company that is not done with a job/project until everyone involved is proud. I tell my team, my partner, and my crew to ask themselves at the end of a job, are you proud of this work? If not, why not? Let’s fix that. If we are extremely picky about our own work before it even gets to a customer’s eyes, the customer will most likely be thrilled. If there’s something the customer wants fixed, FIX IT! Sure, sometimes customers have requests that may sound silly, or be outside of the original scope, but that is discussion piece that usually is resolved with that, a simple discussion. That leads into the next piece of success. Communication is key to a projects success and the happiness of a customer. Being transparent in communication is also huge. Own up to mistakes when there are some, don’t make excuses for them. This will build trust and will ultimately lead to a better relationship. A better relationship leads to great work of mouth and future projects with different customers, but also repeat business. Repeat business is what keep businesses alive!
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Colorado is an amazing place to live. It is an even better place to visit, there is no shortage of things to do. I am an outdoorsy guy and love to visit the mountains of colorado. I would definitely enjoy a red rocks concert and then head up the hill for a weekend of camping in Vail, or really any mountain town. Can’t go wrong! If you’re staying cityside, any of our sports teams are exceptional and have a winning history! We also have a fantastic brewery scene, there are no limits of brewery tours! It would take multiple visits to see and tour them all!
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Well first and foremost I want to thank God for everything I have as it is god who has led and provided for me! From there is is my wife and family because without them and their support I would never have had the courage and confidence to not only start my own business, but to thrive in my business. Being a business owner is no walk in the park. It is a lot of hours and a lot of stress to make sure the road is clear, not only now, but for the future of the business. I also owe much of who I am to Reconstruction Experts. Without being given the opportunity right out of college, I never would have learned this craft. RE gave me the opportunity to work, to learn, to improve, and to thrive in the construction industry. They have done this for me and for many others. What a fantastic company I was able to work for…work with for nearly 10 years.
Instagram: pride_property_services
Facebook: Pride Property Services, LLC.