Meet Jason Ganahl | Maestro of Meat

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jason Ganahl and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jason, what makes you happy? Why?
I take great pleasure from serving others. Whether it’s my wife or kids. The wonderful teams we have in our shops our the guests that enter our shops. My days are never routine and are fulfilling and satisfying knowing that I can help others have the best parts of their day.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I started out as dishwater at 13 back in st louis. I quickly worked my way up to the floor buss’n tables and filling drinks. I used to think if I could find a job where I could make $4.00 an hour I’d be set haha I held a variety of jobs all through jr high and Highschool in restaurants usually going where my friends were working and landscaping in the summer. It wasn’t until college I tried something different as I had friends saying they were making $10-$15 an hour calling people and selling them caller ID. I tried and it I realized I had a knack for creating value. After commissions I was pulling in $20 an hour but more valuable I was having so much fun talking to these strangers and getting them to try caller ID. I was the first one in my family to go to college and graduate. I had a variety of sales and marketing positions and got to move around the country as I would get promoted to take on more responsibility. I had created a printing Business and a recruiting business before the BBQ shop. On the weekends I would judge BBQ and compete in contests and got to meet many of the countries best Competitive BBQ cooks. Many had restaurants and doing well for themselves. I think one of the most valuable lessons I have picked up and their are many as life has it way of teaching them to you is that it is better to be effective than right. Work toward progress rather than being able to say I told you so.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
The perfect day for me with a friend keep in mind I have a family of 5 and dont get “out” much and this day assumes I have no kid or work responsibility haha Wake up and go run sanitas trail in Boulder. Show them around CU and pearl street day drinking and having a drink and moving on to the next place after we work up a good appetite grab some post hot chicken and head over to coors field for a rockies game. Cold Beer and A dog from Biker Jims star at the stadium. After the game head over to Blake Street Tavern for a night cap and Uber home.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I am inspired by all the restaurant industry folks out their grinding away each day. After going through 2020 the hospitality folks I find are a resilient, hard working group of people.
Instagram: jasonganahl & gquebbq
Linkedin: jason ganahl
Twitter: gquebbq
Facebook: gquebbq
Youtube: GQue BBQ