Meet Jimmy Greene | Realtor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jimmy Greene and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jimmy, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
In short, work-life balance is not an option, it is a priority. Work-life balance has a different meaning for everyone, and the first step we all must take is dedicating the necessary time to take a step back and truly analyze what it means to us and what we want out of LIFE first, and work second.
I feel as though my career experience plays an important role in how I have learned, failed, grown, and failed again in this thought on “work-life balance”.
When first starting out in my career in the sports/entertainment agency industry, my goal in life was to work. To work, work, work until I reached the top of this imaginary ladder. It was rooted deep within me that this was what I was supposed to do to become successful and in turn become a happy person with a “great life”.
After 8 years within the agency world, I found the opportunity to continue to climb that ladder at my dream agency. It was a promotion, growth, and a leadership opportunity – everything that I thought I wanted and needed to be happy.
Being in a new city, knowing no one, and doing long distance from my extremely supportive girlfriend – I worked, even more. I tried everything I could think of to be happy – workout, meditation, read numerous books – yet no matter how positive I started the day, I would always come home late at night extremely drained and feeling unfulfilled.
It was not until my girlfriend moved down until I realized how much of a negative impact this lifestyle of zero work-life balance had taken on me. As much as I tried to cover it up (oh and I tried HARD!), she immediately saw how unhappy I was. I wasn’t the positive, happy-go-lucky, optimistic Jimmy that she had fallen in love with.
About a month after she moved down there, she changed my life forever with the simple statement of “What are you doing? No job is worth changing who your core character is!”
So, I quit. We traveled to Thailand for a month, moved to the place we had always wanted to live, beautiful Colorado, and haven’t looked back.
We came out to CO without jobs, yet with a sense of freedom and excitement. Then a pandemic hit and like many, we lost our jobs. And it was the second-best thing that ever happened to me.
Despite the unknown, it allowed me to gain clarity on what I wanted in life and more importantly what matters most in my life – my family, my amazing significant other, my faith, and my true, positive friendships/relationships.
We found the city/state we wanted to be in life, now it was time to find what I wanted to do in life.
I made multiple lists (I am a big list guy) and was able to narrow down my skillsets, what I like / what I don’t like, what matters most (not just in work, but more importantly in life), my goals, and my WHY in life to figure out my next career path.
The biggest thing that kept popping up on all of these lists was, Help Others. How can I tap into my skillset/experience of client services, relationship building, marketing while helping others – Real Estate became that clarity that I was looking for.
Despite this clarity, I was terrified. I had been in the same industry for 10+ years, how could I ever do anything differently? What if I fail? What would people think? Real Estate isn’t as cool as sports/entertainment, is this the right decision? Where do I begin? And again, what will people think!?!”
Yet, with trembling knees, I went all in. I kept thinking about Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote – “Do one thing that scares you every day”. And every day, I did at least one thing that scared the sh*t out of me and learned from it. Because that is what life is all about, right? Growing, challenging, changing yourself each and every day to become a better future you.
Like everything, I have had ups/downs, experienced hurdles along the way, FAILED, and even thought about going back to my old career – the career that I was “good at”, comfortable with, and successful in. I questioned everything. Human nature set in. My guard went up. And my ego needed to be checked numerous times.
Yet I stuck true to the core principle of why I am doing what I am doing – to help others. Not only my clients, but I am also helping myself, my family, my friends because I am becoming a better version of myself, each and every day. I focused on what mattered most – a work-life harmony to make myself and others better human beings.
Yes, I still work hard and there are some days with long hours, YET, I have learned to not just find a balance, yet make it a priority. I prioritize what matters most to me, and as much as I care about my business – I care about others more. When it is time to focus, truly focus and be present for the people/ things that matter most in life, I make it a priority. Work-life balance is the 1st goal within my business plan with actionable/achievable items underneath, and it will remain there for all my business plans moving forward.
It sounds silly when you type it out, yet we are not here to work – we are put on this beautiful earth to build positive relationships, grow, smile, explore, travel, change, fail, and help others.
My journey brought me to where I am today and I think everyone has their own journey to find their own happiness – because it is unique for all of us. One realization that I loved learning was I am not alone with my feelings, thoughts, and emotions. We are not alone. We all think and feel like this. We are all scared of change. Yet, you don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to just get started to be great.
In the end, I am just one man trying to figure this thing called life out like all of us. I still have A LOT to learn and grow upon, and I look forward to it. I am blessed that I was able to determine what matters most to me in this world and despite what my younger self thought, it is not WORK! As much as I love to grind, work hard, and create the best business I can, I at least know my WHY and am able to find the necessary balance to make myself and hopefully others around me healthier and happier.
I recommend everyone take a step back from their crazy day of life and ask the real questions – what is important to me? Am I dedicating enough time to this person or activity to make me the best version of myself?
That “urgent task” can wait. Life, memories, and moments do not wait. Prioritize what is important, to make you a better version of yourself so you can in turn help others become a better version of themselves.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Once we moved to Denver, it seemed like every weekend we were hosting people from all over who wanted to visit beautiful CO – I mean, can you blame them!
We would always put together a little itinerary for them to hit the best spots (depending on what they wanted to do of course), please see a few high-level spots we would always recommend:
– RINO Art District: walk around and bar/restaurant hop while checking out the graffiti art
– Tennyson Street: walk around and bar/restaurants/shops hop
– Broadway Street: walk around and bar/restaurant hop
– Pearl Street in Boulder
– Sloan’s Lake: Park day
– Hikes: The Royal Arch, Matthews Winters/Red Rocks, Long Lake, Bierstadt 14er, St. Mary Galcier, North Table, Lookout Mountain
– Red Rocks Amphitheater
– Mission Ballroom
– Restaurants: Denver Biscuit, Bacon Social House, Briar Common Brewery, Uncle, The Odyssey Italian, My Neighbor Felix, Stoneys, Super Mega Bien, Sushi Den, El Five, Happy Camper
– Bars./Breweries: Forest Room 5, The Occidental, Avanti, Denver Beer Co, Zuni Brewery, Avery Brewery, New Terrain, Toad Mountain
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I have been blessed to have many mentors in my life, yet I would like to dedicate and give a shoutout to Mark Greene, my father. He has always supported me in all my endeavors in life (despite pursuing very different career paths) and has been the first to be there to lean on in times of trials/challenges. He was the first person to teach me that change is a good thing. I am blessed to have him as my father and learn from him every day.
Also, many books stand out to me:
– Dare to Lead – Brene Brown
– How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
– 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
– Quiet Strength – Tony Dungy
– Extreme Ownership and Dichotomy of Leadership – Jocko Willink
– Resisting Happiness – Matthew Kelly