Meet Joan Doigherty | Equine Riding Instructor

We had the good fortune of connecting with Joan Doigherty and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Joan, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
My business helps my community by teaching both adults and children to learn how to care for animals and how to love animals. Riding horses and working around horses allows my student to escape from the daily stresses and just be in the moment and to bond with a 1200 pound animal. As a 4-H leader I truly enjoy the progress of my horse kids. When they finally grasp a concept and the light turns on in their head I get so excited that I have passed on the love of horses that I have to another human being. Also, working around horses teaches responsibility, organization, and most of all self confidence.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I believe that I set myself apart from the other horse instructors by providing a fun and relaxing environment also it’s a much to have fun. At the beginning of my program I sit down with the students and set goals for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. We work towards the goals and review them often. This encourages the student to keep on task and celebrate each accomplishment. Getting to where I am today took a lot of time and preparation. Not only did I have to find the right property, but finding the right horses that would fit my program was a huge challenge. Thank goodness I came across Dusti Johnson in Montana. I have purchased 4 outstanding ranch horses from her and 1 performance horse from C Moore performance horses in Elizabeth, Colorado. Without the love and support from my husband none of this would be possible.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
First thing I would show an out of town friend is obviously my farm. Then I would take them on a trail ride to Hidden Mesa. After a long ride we would go to the local biker bar Stage Couch in Franktown for some amazing burgers, fries and beer! Then I would take them to Carrie Moore’s Performance Horse facility and we would take a tour and see all the brood mares and babies. Then in the evenings we would have a glass of wine and sit on my back deck and watch the sunset and talk about the day’s activities
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My biggest fan was definitely my dad!! He always encouraged me to follow my dreams and aspersions as a child into my adulthood. Each of his children were able to pick the extra curricular activity and of course I chose the most expensive sport horses! I started riding when I was 13 years old and quickly joined a local 4-H group called the Bit & Spur. During the next 5 years I grew into a responsible young adult. I credit my dad everyday for the woman I am and for allowing me to pursue my love of horses!
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