Meet Kristen Davis | Photographer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kristen Davis and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kristen, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
I never really had anything that I was passionate about or that I was excited to pursue, except raising my kids. I always knew I wanted to be a mom! When I started doing photography, I knew it was going to be my thing. I knew I wanted to put my everything into being the best at it. At that point, my twins were almost two and it seemed nearly impossible to devote the time I wanted to being an active parent and starting my own business. I watched my kids all day while my husband worked and then I worked evenings and weekends. I tend to be obsessive and too consumed when I’ve set my mind on something I want. This quickly lead to me being exhausted while spending time with my kids AND when I was working, making me feel sub par in both areas.
We decided to get a sitter to help out during the week and my husband took over a large portion of the business aspects of my photography. My husband and I both fully support each other and his help and support have been crucial to my business succeeding. However, even with all of that, choices have to be made. I always put my family first over business, which sometimes means I can’t take on as many clients or work on improving as much as I’d like. Photography will always be there, but my kids won’t always be small. I am excited to jump in even more when this season of life is over!
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
My photography is very much about capturing your natural selves. Of course, I do the normal photos of everyone smiling at the camera, but my favorites are those that show your unique family. The smiles, laughs, kids running around like crazy or crying. They show a real picture of what your life was like at that point in time.
Starting my business definitely wasn’t easy, but it’s been fun most of the time. I’ve learned when you’re having fun, it feels less like work! I spent a lot of time researching how to be better and practicing… a lot! I’ve learned that what makes me feel confident in my work is creating photos that I enjoy and having fun with my sessions. I do take into consideration what my clients want, but overall, my best images are when I’m just throwing out new ideas and my clients are along for the ride. Those in between moments are really special!
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I love the outdoors, so exploring and hiking would definitely be at the top of my list. Red Rock Canyon and Palmer Park are some of the common areas for Colorado Springs. Of course, Garden of the Gods is very popular, so I typically avoid that area.
Tucanos is by far my favorite place to eat. Does it get any better than a Brazilian steakhouse?
I’m relatively new to the area, so I’m not super familiar with the best places, but Loyal Coffee was exceptional with the best egg on toast I’ve ever had! Kneaders is pretty great too and a little less crowded!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My husband for always encouraging and supporting me!