We had the good fortune of connecting with Rena Greenberg and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rena, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I literally fell into starting my own wellness business after facing death at a young age and having the good fortune to recover. At the age of 26, I suddenly lost all my energy and was overcome with exhaustion. I spent a year going from doctor to doctor trying to find answers.

Finally, after a year of the medical world not finding anything wrong with me, I walked into the Emergency Room at Brooklyn’s Methodist Hospital expecting to be turned away. Instead, I was whisked into the ER and told that I needed to be admitted.

My heart was beating at only 30 beats per minute. The ER doctor informed me that the only thing keeping me alive was my age. I was held in the Cardiac Care Unit for three weeks. There I had a heart attack and the Chief of Cardiology told me that I had the heart of an 80-year-old. I was only 26 years old. A permanent pacemaker was implanted into my heart.

When I was discharged after 21 days in the hospital, I felt such a sense of gratitude. I was still alive. At that point, my entire life and focus changed. I wanted to know everything I could about health. I studied all areas of heath voraciously.

The area that fascinated me the most, at the time, was the power of the mind. I created a behavior modification and hypnotherapy program to help people lose weight and stop smoking. My Easy Willpower program was then reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals, and over 100 major corporations, such as Disney and Home Depot, brought me on site, to help their employees with health and wellness.

Then, 5 years ago my Glaucoma was getting more and more problematic. I was losing vision and my eye pressures were alarmingly high. Because there was nothing my doctor could offer me except surgery or more medication, I decided to try CBD. I was thrilled with the results as my eye pressures went down dramatically, plus I found that CBD helped me with sleep, any pain issues that arose, and feeling more balanced.

I wanted to share the news with my following. But I soon discovered that finding authentic CBD, without a lot of hype and misinformation, was not easy. I ended up feeling like my only solution to providing the best CBD products possible, was starting my own brand. Rena’s Organic was born.

Since then, my weight loss with hypnosis and my medical grade CBD brands have been featured in the national news on TV and in popular magazines 165+ times, as top trusted brands, including on CNN, FOX-TV, PBS, The Doctors Show, Good Morning America and Nightline. It’s truly been an honor to serve hundreds of thousands of people, with life-changing, high value wellness tools, including authoring three books.

My most recent book, that I’m offering free for a limited time at RenasOrganic.com is – CBD for Health & Wellness: Questions You Should be Asking to help educate CBD shoppers on what to look for when purchasing CBD.

Please tell us more about your work. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
I am so grateful that even the setbacks I experienced along the way ultimately paved the way for greater successes, which translated into the ability to help more people.

The lessons I’ve learned along the way are: never give up, stay open to new opportunities, focus on the outcome you are guided to create, dig deep within to find and take action from your greatest strength and wisdom and live with gratitude and humility, as best you can.

I have two wellness businesses. Easy Willpower is a mind-body-spirit approach to permanent weight loss using the power of advanced hypnotherapy techniques.

My system has helped thousands of people to successfully change their lives. Easy Willpower is a method that shows people how to access their inner strength, release subconscious blocks and increase mental, physical and emotional health, while losing weight healthfully.

What’s most unique about my method is my success rate. My program has been featured on CNN, PBS, FOX-TV, Good Morning America, Nightline, The Doctors Show and Woman’s World Magazine, in over 165 TV and news stories, each featuring clients who lost weight with my hypnosis program, and kept it off.

My other wellness business is Rena’s Organic, home of the highest quality CBD products on the market. I have unique products such as CBD Super Cider and Hemp Super Food for energy, balancing and overall wellbeing. My most popular product is my 1000 mg. CBD Pain Relief Cream that has helped thousands of people get out of pain. Some describe it as miraculous. In fact, Rena’s Organic pain relief products have been featured on 150 TV news stations across the country.

It fills me with joy to hear so many people tell me that the Rena’s Organic CBD tinctures, which are non-GMO, USDA certified organic, give them better results than anything they have tried elsewhere, including from dispensaries.

It’s been so gratifying to have helped so many people get healthy for over 30 years by developing state-of-the-art methods, techniques and products, of the highest integrity. This is born out my own near-death experience at a young age and a firm belief that we have the power to change our lives for the better, with the right tools.

I’m proud to know that mine is the only hypnosis wellness program that’s been reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals and 100+ major corporations, such as AT&T and Disney.

I am passionate about helping people change their lives by increasing their mental, physical and emotional health with my programs and products at EasyWillpower.com and RenasOrganic.com.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I am blessed to live in gorgeous Sarasota, Florida. On a daily basis, I ride my bike to the number one beach in the USA: Siesta Key Beach. That’s the first thing I would do with my friend, is take them to Siesta Key beach for a relaxing and invigorating beach walk.

Next, since we’ll already be at the Siesta Key Village (biking home from the beach), I would stop at one of the wonderful outdoor cafes, for a cold drink and the joy of live music. I’d definitely get up and dance as the live music all over Sarasota is just incredible.

The nightlife in downtown Sarasota is fun and there are many lively restaurants that are perfect to grab a bite at. We’d also have to take a spin over to St. Armand’s Circle, which is an upbeat shopping and dining area.

Since we would have a whole week together, we’d be sure to visit the Bayfront Park, to enjoy the gorgeous big oak trees along the Bay. And a sunset sail across Sarasota Bay is an incomparable treat.

Those are some of my favorite things to do in Sarasota.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?

There are so many people who helped me along the way. I’m so grateful for all the support I’ve received.

My amazing Mother always believed in me. Her love, strength, generosity, integrity and incredible set of ethics and values have been truly inspirational to me.

Carol Ross was my first employer at her highly successful public relations firm, when I was only 18 years old. I so appreciate Carol’s generous support over the years.

My first biofeedback therapist, Dr. Lester Fehmi (and his partner Susan Shor), mentored me and recommended me for my first job as a biofeedback therapist at the Hospital of Joint Diseases in New York City. I am truly grateful for everything they taught me and the professional support they gave me.

There, Dr. Barry Snow, Director of the Pain Program at the Hospital of Joint Diseases in New York City, took me under his wing and encouraged me, every step of the way.

When I was just beginning my new career, one of my biofeedback patients introduced me to Stuart Green of Green Seminars, in Long Island, NY. Stuart believed in me and hired me as an instructor for his corporate seminar training program. That gave me my first taste of the joy of leading large groups of people into hypnosis, to guide them into life-changing positive beliefs about themselves and their abilities.

This all paved the way for me coming to Florida and starting my own wellness seminar company, which I then took to over 75 hospitals and 100+ major corporations.

It’s likely that I wouldn’t be doing the work I am doing today if it weren’t for the encouragement of my husband, Barry Greenberg. Firstly, if it weren’t for Barry, I most likely would never have come to Florida, where my first business—wellness seminars in hospitals—flourished. He supported me in creating this program in Florida, every step of the way.

Back when I had been sick in my twenties, after the pacemaker had been implanted in my heart, it was Barry who had first suggested that I try biofeedback as a healing modality. It was his idea.

Biofeedback led me to hypnosis. I actually first became a board-certified biofeedback therapist before I started my hypnosis seminar company. Biofeedback taught me the amazing power of the mind. My work now incorporates everything I learned as a biofeedback therapist into my Easy Willpower program, allowing me to offer advanced hypnotherapy techniques to help people change their thinking and therefore, change their lives.

Barry always encouraged me to do the work I am doing. In the same way, Barry suggested that I try CBD when my Ophthalmologist said that only surgery or more medicine could help my Glaucoma.

The CBD lowered my eye pressures and gave me so many other health benefits, including better sleep and balanced hormones. I would not have started my medical grade Rena’s Organic CBD brand, if Barry hadn’t encouraged me to take CBD myself. So, I definitely want to shout out my gratitude to him for that.

Additionally, I may never have healed from my near brush with death at the age of 26 had it not been for meeting him just six weeks before that frightful diagnosis. His love and kindness when I faced that challenge gave me a strong reason to fight for my life.

Additionally, I am very grateful to the many TV news anchors and producers who took an interest in my story. They made it possible for me to reach so many more people. I especially want to give a shoutout to Gayle Guyardo, who at the time was a popular morning anchor with NBC-TV News.

Over the years, Gayle produced many feature stories about my clients who lost weight with my hypnosis program, many who lost over 100 pounds. I am so grateful to Gayle for all the news coverage she offered me, and for all her efforts in sharing the national success of my program and brand with so many people, both with her feature stories and her personal introductions.

Also, Linda Konner, New York City Literary Agent, who brought my first book, The Right Weigh, to Hay House Publishing.

The biggest shoutout goes to my many clients who publicly shared their success stories both with weight loss hypnosis and with my medical grade CBD. I know many of these incredible men and women who shared their life-changing stories of weight loss and getting out of pain, by going on national television, didn’t necessarily seek the spotlight.

They just wanted to share their success and let other people know how much my high-quality CBD products and/or my unique hypnosis approach to weight loss, health and healing made a difference for them. For this, I am so grateful as my life’s passion is to help as many people get healthy, as I can.

Website: https://renasorganic.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renagreenberg/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rena-greenberg-74640010/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/renasorganic

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/renagreenberg

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/renagreenberg

Other: https://facebook.com/renasorganic https://easywillpower.com – other website

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutColorado is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.