Meet Tim Canfield | Landscape Photographer, Farmer, & CPA

We had the good fortune of connecting with Tim Canfield and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Tim, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
The idea of spending copious amounts of time outdoors rather than inside on a computer was the number one appeal. Also we are taught not to put all off our eggs in one basket yet we often get stuck in these jobs that become very industry specific where we only do one thing or only work in a certain niche. I don’t like to be put into a box. I mix it up between photography, farming, and some contract accounting work.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
It all started in a high school darkroom developing frames of black & white film. I wasn’t all that good. I rarely ventured out of the auto mode of my camera. I’m sure I breathed in a whole bunch of interesting chemicals as I was creating my “masterpieces” at the time. But I could never quite shake it. Now nearly two decades later, I’m still at it. My love for the art of photography has only grown by leaps and bounds. It’s my passion. I’ve gone to places under conditions that I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams. It motivates me to wake up early and stay out late. To drive and hike for hours upon hours, usually in the dark and with a headlamp that always seems to be on its last leg. Interesting things happen along the way to the edges of the day.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Assuming they’re game, all of the above would take place in the great outdoors. No hotels, no restaurants, no bars needed here. I would set up camp on some forest road with the San Juan Mountains as our background. After that, driving time would be minimal. We would chill out. Explore. Bask in simplicity. Maybe do a 2 or 3 night backpacking trip further into the mountains on a nearby trail to visit one of Colorado’s special alpine lakes. There is absolutely nothing like being able to roll out of your tent to a stunning sunrise.
We would drink fresh alpine stream water, gorge on dates and apples and other tasty and nourishing bird food that I brought with me. I might even introduce them to the benefits of fasting or bringing chia seeds only as a way to truly pack light and push the boundaries of what we actually can do with our fantastic human body suits.
I used to jump around from place to place to place and pack way too much into way too little time. Now I like to choose one destination, set up camp, and stay a while. Exploring is my jam so that is the best gift I could share with my friends. I consider myself to be a map maker of sorts where I have the knowledge of these stunning views that people often overlook on their way to some predetermined “destination”.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
No doubt my ex-wife, Megan. She continues to be my best friend and biggest supporter in what I do. When I started this journey close to a decade ago it was uncomfortable to say the least and she has been with me through nearly all the ups and downs.
Instagram: timcanfieldphotography