Our Linked Prosperity: how local businesses are helping their communities

Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.
I have been told I have a social impact when Sharing My Fine Art along with messages of hope, positivity, and gratitude. My goal in posting beautiful images is to make people feel something outside themselves, to know they are not alone! With the world in such a state I seek to be a light, bring a smile or a reminder that there is so many things to keep our eyes on outside of our troubles. Read more>>
Before I introduce my business I usually introduce myself as an impact-driven social entrepreneur committed to creating transformative experiences. A mouth full I know, but vital. Consumers are getting smarter and our world at times can feel like it’s in dire straights. Read more>>
Social impact is at the heart of my work. Whether I’m working as an advocate for animal welfare, creating affordable housing for the homeless, giving a speech, or guiding others through the personal development journey, I’m always working to uplift those around me in my personal life and business. Read more>>
The core of my work bridges art and social justice to bring together communities and give voice and visibility to untold stories. I use performance art, specifically dance, as a vehicle to depart from the tragic turns of inhumanity by illuminating a pathway for reflection, connectivity, and understanding. Read more>>
My business, EatWalkLearn, and my brand, DenverByFoot, focus on the importance of the human connection. In a time where the pandemic keeps us apart, fitness experts focus on step counts and measurement, and all of us are crying out for connection, EatWalkLearn strives to find people who want to build friendships through walking and hiking. Read more>>
Francyne Espinoza walked into GiGi’s Playhouse Phoenix with her daughter Ezrah in her arms. The walls were brightly painted, music played gently, but she was hesitant. She didn’t know what to expect. She stepped inside, and within seconds Ezrah, her little brown-haired beauty, was whisked away by the program leader and Francyne was surrounded by other mom’s thanking her for coming. Read more>>
Right now people are uncertain, stressed, depressed, and worried. There is so much going on mentally with people all around the world due to the pandemic. Now more than ever my job means so much more than just physical appearance. Working with a trainer gives individuals the confidence and strength to feel overall better. Read more>>
Colorado Astrophotography helps the community by giving back in a variety of ways. With the collective trauma we have all experienced with COVID 19, people are searching for a new experience, or even understanding of the world, now more than ever. Read more>>
Kyle and I both see social impact as an important role that small business can make within their community. We empower the people on our teams to do what they are passionate about. For example at Torpedo Coffee if we have someone interested in baking, we set up internships at bakeries and they can bake their goods to sell at our shops. Read more>>
We strive to buy only from small artists. The little guy. The hustlers. 99% of the products I carry are handmade, local and tons have social good goals behind them. Dear Survivor and Purpose jewelry foe example is gorgeous jewelry and profits go to support women rescued from sex trafficking. Read more>>