The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?

Jade Hunter | Website Designer & Photographer

When I started my business in 2020, Work-Life Balance was non-existent. If you ask my friends I didn’t even have a clue what this was. I was scared, scared I was going to miss an email from a client, scared I was going to mess up. I brought my computer with me everywhere I went, and when I say everywhere I mean it, even to dinner at a friend’s. Read more>>


“Balance is sort of an illusion” is what Em Lucker, singer of MoonBeem stated, its more about finding what is important to you. We all work jobs to support our lives and this crazy lifestyle we have chosen to pursue. Findings times we can all meet has gotten more difficult this summer, with our busy work schedules finding time to play music and practice can be a challenge. Read more>>

Kara Moore | Wedding + Lifestyle Photographer

Finding balance within your business and creating a work/life balance being a business owner takes time and a lot of trial and error. I’m 4 years into my business, 2 years full time and it has flown by, been the most incredible experience, and has had its ups and downs but this current year has been the best yet and it’s because I’ve learned to say no and set some boundaries. Read more>>

William Loopesko | Cofounder/Chief Technology Officer

When I started my first company PuppTech, when I was 27, I threw myself fully into my business because I believed that it was what I needed to do to have any chance for the company to succeed. I didn’t have any of the things that a company typically needs to get started: product development experience or skilled, access to capital, a network, etc… the only thing I had was my time and enthusiasm. Read more>>