Reflecting on the things that made a difference

We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.
The need to always improve on time management and productivity has helped me improve. In my freelance industry, time is something that is taken advantage of and, unfortunately, causes of a lot of preventable turnovers when it comes to getting and keeping clients. I’m glad I learned early to find ways to make good use of my time and be productive. Read more>>
I think the most successful habit I have worked on cultivating is focusing less on my business and more on my brain space. Releasing perfectionism, letting go of the competition, and allowing myself to show up as an authentic and creative individual for me has been the most transformative step for my business. People are either drawn to or away from the energy I put off. And typically, people hire someone for so much more than just a product or service, they hire you because they trust you or are drawn to you. So ultimately, I believe that is responsible for any success I experience as a photographer. Read more>>
I have several habits that I believe help my success. I have ADHD, so routine is important. Every morning I have a routine in which I meditate, journal and other things to help me prepare for my day. In the evenings, I get ready for the next day and do some sleep promoting activities, such as stretching, herbal tea, reading, etc. I try to have a routine for work as well, but that doesn’t always go as planned; it’s a work in progress. I also make sure I eat well, get daily exercise, and laugh every day. Keeping myself healthy ensures that I have the mental and physical stamina to achieve my goals. Read more>>
We both have a strong work ethic along with determination to build a better life for the future of our family. Staying focused on our goals and not giving up is a big part of what drives us. In the beginning when we first started pulling ideas together for opening up our own business we were told that it usually took 1.5 -2 years to get the doors open in Loveland, CO. We pushed everything to the limits from registration of “Black and Blues, Music and Brews” to physically opening the doors it took only 7 months. Unheard of, but we didn’t know it couldn’t be done…so we just kept going. Read more>>