Taking Risks: how your perspectives affect your life & career

Legend holds that Cornelius Vanderbilt had built a massive fortune in the steamboat shipping industry, but then realized the railroads were the way of the future and invested almost his entire net worth into railroads. The gamble paid off and made Vanderbilt one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs ever. But risks are inherently…risky. How do you think about risk and how has it affected your life and career? Some of our community favorites share their perspective below.
I get antsy when things are too smooth. It’s a sign that I’m not pushing myself enough. I was very young when I started at Kaser, which was a risk in and of itself – I had to learn a lot very fast, about the industry, our processes, and how to manage people. That’s the kind of challenge I enjoy. As we continue to grow, I’m constantly gambling on what I think our next step will be, and then orienting myself in that direction. That’s the kind of risk that typically pays off. Read more>>
I never thought of myself as a risk taker until recently, but I kept ending up in high stress spaces mostly confused and disoriented. I always think, oh, I’m just exploring something; I’m listening to that little voice or I can’t resist this opportunity. I follow that pull so intently that when I finally do look up I don’t know where I am anymore. It has forced me to face facts – I love jumping in and seeing what happens. And just to be clear – the word love is complex here. Read more>>
The willingness to take risks and challenge myself has been one of the keys to my success. Whenever an opportunity arose- to speak at a conference or write a book or travel to a far off land (Australia was the first invitation after the publication of my first book), I took it. My focus is on what I can contribute and how I can grow, not what I am afraid of or might interfere. As a result, my career has evolved in ways I never could have dreamed. Read more>>
I have taken risks my whole life. I was an international gymnast representing Great Britain making the team selection for The World Championships in 2003. As a gymnast you risk potential injury every day in the gym performing a myriad of complex Manoeuvres with multiple twists and turns. Preparation is key to mitigate those risks for longevity and achieving your goals. Read more>>
I would consider myself as being more strategic than risky. I often overthink things considering the possible risks and consequences. However, when it came to starting my own business, I was willing to risk everything because the worst case scenario would have been I would have to go back to working for someone. This season in my life is probably one of the most if not the most risk I have ever experienced. Read more>>
Risk taking played a huge role in my career not only offstage but onstage as well. I think of myself as a high achiever, some people might call that perfectionism, regardless, it’s the personality trait that you have to overcome to be willing to put yourself in a risk taking position. In order to be truly involved and present as an artist you must constantly put yourself in that vulnerable position. Onstage, no matter how much you prepare, it’s a live performance and things don’t always go perfectly. Read more>>
Stability and security don’t exist. Or at least if they do they don’t lead to any kind of fulfilling lifestyle. You can have the most stable job in the world, but there is nothing guaranteeing you that you’ll be gainfully employed come Monday morning when you leave work on Friday afternoon. Read more>>