Reflecting on the things that made a difference

We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.
I know it’s cliche to say, but I really do love what I do. Being self employed can either be debilitating or exhilarating. I have days,weeks, months that I feel both of these feelings within moments of each other. I am an obsessive over achiever, I put a lot of thought into how I want my business to look from the outside and how it makes people feel to work with me. With the support of Sotheby’s International Real Estate behind me it adds to the experience for my clients. Read more>>
I think the thing that stands out the most when we talk with our clients is our ability to solve problems and offer solutions when unexpected issues arise. We have put a lot of effort into cultivating a developmental mindset throughout the company, so whenever we are faced with a problem or issue with a project we see it as an opportunity to expand our skillset rather than a hindrance or an obstacle. Read more>>
The most important factor in my success is truly being myself. I find that, especially in the field of mental health, authenticity is really important because people who come to see me are usually at their most vulnerable, and no one wants to open up to a stranger who comes off as disingenuous. At times, utilizing my own personal experience has helped create tremendous success in my business. Read more>>
Staying true to myself. Understanding my passion and purpose has really fueled so much. There’s so many times in building your business or making new moves that you could be swayed to “go with the crowd”, but by choosing what feels right in your gut, and allowing your authenticity to shine bright, the sky is the limit. Read more>>
Our relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation fuels our success. We are constantly researching and testing new methods to stay ahead of the curve. In addition, we invest in purchasing domain names and building test sites, allowing us to conduct thorough experiments and run numerous SEO tests. This enables us to push the limits and study the various metrics we collect, ensuring we provide the best white hat results possible. Read more>>
Happy clients are the key to my success and the success of my brand. When my clients feel truly heard, understood and helped in an efficient and nonjudgmental way that improves the quality of their lives, they want to tell their family and friends about their experience with Welcome Home. There is nothing more powerful than the testimony of someone you trust. Read more>>
One thing I have found to be true with psychotherapy is the importance of authenticity. When I show up to each session truly myself, I can connect with clients in a way that covertly helps them to change. As Carl Rogers, the psychologist who founded Person Centered Therapy, said, “It becomes easier for me to accept myself as a decidedly imperfect person, who by no means functions at all times in the way in which I would like to function. Read more>>
When asked about the most important factor behind my success in photography, I would say that it is my genuine love for pictures that started at a very young age. I remember being fascinated by the ability to capture a moment in time and freeze it forever. As a child, I would take pictures of everything and anything that caught my eye, and this passion only grew stronger with time. Read more>>
I want to preface this by saying I don’t think I’m the most successful person in the world. When I refer to my “success,” I simply mean that my podcast has gotten more positive reception that I could have imagined. That being said, I’d 100% contribute any success that I’ve had to the support I’ve received. Read more>>
The absolute most important part of my success has been persistence and an openness to learn. I knew very early on in life what I wanted to do and I stuck with it. I have always wanted to be an artist and I learned very quickly tattooing was the art I was going to build a career in. Read more>>
Sure, here is a rewritten answer to the interview question “What is the most important factor behind your success / the success of your brand?”: I believe that the most important factor behind my success is my authenticity. I am always honest and transparent with my audience, and I show the ups and downs of my journey. I believe that people can relate to my authenticity, and they appreciate that I am not afraid to be myself. Read more>>
I have always been authentic in all that I do. With that said I have found throughout my personal journey a clear vision with a goal card provides one a clear understanding of what is needed to stay focused and motivated. In addition, a strong work ethic, Read more>>
Success and trust have to coexist together. Trust in the practice is vital, and that includes meeting them where they are at, show unconditional positive regard, and essentially building a relationship through one hour at a time. We as mental health providers become lighthouses for them. In doing so, they need to know we will be there when ready to make the change. Read more>>