What makes you happy?
Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.
There is a lot in this life that makes me happy. I am so blessed in that. Creating art in the form of photography, and my family is at the top of the list. When I get behind the camera, that moment the lens focuses on my subject I feel so much joy and peace It is an incredible experience. Also, helping my clients see themselves as beautiful drives me, and when I hear back that they felt beautiful and seen in their photos, those are some of my happiest moments. Read more>>
What makes me happy is simple. Serving others. It is my philosophy on life as a whole. Just look at my children and their wildly-spaced ages. They are 22, 13, and 7. I have been parenting a small child in some form for 21 years straight and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I also truly enjoy and feel honored to volunteer my time and skills to a few organizations I feel passionately about. Read more>>
Spending time with interesting people, showing them the underwater world and spreading awareness about our oceans is my biggest reward and makes me unbelievable happy. The underwater world has always fascinated me, that’s why I became a scuba dive instructor and underwater photographer. Taking photos of playful dolphins, colorful fish and lots of other cool stuff down there lightens up my day. To spread happiness I founded Carlu Dive And Travel. Read more>>
Happiness is an elusive/flighty thing. Websters defines it as “enjoyment or [sense] of well-being” among other things. The way most people use the word, it seems to be very event/environment driven. I live with a severe physical disability and yet I consider myself a happy person. However, I think my feeling of well being goes deeper than mere happiness. I would use joy and peace to characterize my life. So how do I experience deep joy and peace that transcends my situation? There are two elements to my feelings of well being, 1. my faith and 2. my purpose. Read more>>