The Decision Makers Series: Inspiration

A big part of making decisions is determining what our actions and choices have been inspired by. So we asked decision makers from the community to tell us about what they are inspired by.
I am inspired by the passion and execution of entrepreneurs. One of the things I love most about interviewing the range of business owners and entrepreneurs for the Be Helpful Podcast is being energized after every conversation. The paring of genuine love for something and the successful execution of a business plan or strategy is truly inspiring to me, and it motivates me in my own businesses. Read more>>
Mother and daughter team Carolyn and Lake are both inspired by the natural environment surrounding Pagosa Springs Colorado. Carolyn moved here in 1980, and Lake was born and raised here. Her earliest memories involve walking through the forest, collecting leaves, mushrooms, and bits of lichen. Read more>>
The mountain wilderness and its wildlife. Read more>>
I am truly inspired by business owners that I see or read about. It takes a great deal of courage to take your thoughts and turn them into reality. It is so easy to live in your comfort zone and not draw outside of the lines. Stepping out of your boundaries and taking calculated risk is a place where you find your gifts. It puts you in a state of vulnerability and for most people, that feeling is something they are not comfortable with. I get it because I was once there. To live out your dreams has an addictive freedom component that is irreversible once you taste it. This is the reason I am inspired by people whose success started with a thought and a piece of scratch paper. It is the true definition, you can do anything you put your mind to. Read more>>