The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
I had finally found something I’m good enough at to make money from. Photography has opened up some paths for me that I didn’t have before, and I’m excited to work hard and see what the future holds! The main reason I decided to take this leap and start a business is for my 3.5 year old son. I want him to have a good life growing up full of lasting memories of going on camping trips with dad, and vacations around the world. I want him to have every opportunity available to him and show him that he can be anything he wants. Read more>>
The thought process behind It Takes a Village included community input, need and empathy. I’ve worked in the HIV field since the height of the epidemic in NYC. I came to Colorado in 1994 and continued this work in other venues. What I was not seeing was a place where anyone could come for care or prevention services and feel welcomed while receiving help in a respectful environment and with staff who looked like them. I started It Takes a Village with the input of the community and established a village where people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, legal status, history of incarceration, etc. feel at home and valued. Read more>>
For some unknown reason, I had a sense when I was a young child that I was going to have to have an unusual occupation. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my own business was to create a different type of experience for people who are in the process of moving. Moving is stressful. To add to that, a lot of moving companies carry a bad reputation. I wanted to change that reputation and build a company that stands by their word and is reliable. Read more>>
Hi everyone, I’m Ryan O’Connor. I have dedicated my life to health and exercise science for the past 12 years, and in this time, I have read countless books, listened to hours of podcasts, and even sat down to read the latest exercise science research. Boring to most, but exciting for me (nerdy I know). Read more>>
No one in my family or my friend circle has ever ran a business. So this was never even a thought in my sub conscious. What I grew up with is “Study well and get a good job.” So I was running my life on autopilot with that in the back of my head. Since I was 15-16 I always wanted to be a singer. But growing up that wasn’t really a desired career option by the family. So I studied well, became an engineer like the rest of my family. The moved to the US to do my masters. I started my band Unified Diversity during grad school with the idea of bridging the gap between Indian and Western music theory. Read more>>
We started Castle Bridge Media with a series of short story collections called the Castle of Horror Anthology, named after the long-running Castle of Horror Podcast that I host. It’s a show where we talk classic horror and also interview directors, writers, actors and other creators.
I’ve been a professional writer for many years, publishing adult, middle grade, and YA novels, comic books, video game scripts– for a lot of really great companies like Marvel, EA, Activision, Macmillan, and HarperCollins. My partner In Churl Yo had been a writer and designer working in magazines for some really great brands. Read more>>
Having a 30-year career in aviation and 19 years as a professional airline pilot I have a passion for systems such as Electrics, Hydraulics, and Pneumatics. I have always wanted to build my own company and strive for excellence. I have felt like I can make an impact on society by providing solutions and needs to current problems and at the same time providing good-paying jobs. Having a passion for others and the excitement of everyday business made me want to go full speed ahead and pursue my dreams. Read more>>
I enjoy the freedom and flexibility of owning my own business, which allows me to be more present for myself and my family. Read more>>
Both my Husband and I love Gardens, flowers etc. we were voted Best Landscaping in Highlands Ranch years ago before it was built up. Our neighbors suggested we start a Business. We did. I hailed many a rock over 30
Years ago. Plus I flew for a Major Airline my Husband was also in Management. We built this Business added crew grew our services. We love what we do. I Design, hire do initial meetings and close the Deal. I pick
Out every rock, boulder, flower etc. I love what I do.. thank you for hearing my story. Read more>>
I felt after 30 years within Emergency Services, I could provide counsel and guidance to other agencies and providers that I learned along the way. I also found my style of management and teaching was unique and sought after. Read more>>
Being a performer was somehow always in my blood. I saw others doing it so I knew it could be done. Making it a business was something altogether different. I was able to glean ideas from others in the business so I watched, I listened, and I learned. The one thing I knew was that I was “unemployable” as in, letting someone else call the shots could only ever be a temporary thing. My family had always been self-employed/entrepreneurial, so the rebellion part came naturally. I wanted to do what I wanted to do and that was that. Read more>>
Kali-Lu Interiors was born from a shared passion for design and construction. From our early days in New York, we bonded over the fact that we both worked in the design and construction industries. Over the years, we had opportunities to collaborate on projects together in NYC. After our twin daughters were born, we decided to move to Denver to be closer to Tessa’s family and raise our daughters in this amazing city. Read more>>
Growing up in a family business, I was involved from an early age—helping, learning, and absorbing the entrepreneurial spirit. But I also saw firsthand the effects of not having a financial plan. While my parents made enough to cover expenses and save for retirement, they never developed a clear vision for their financial future. That lack of clarity created ongoing financial tension. Read more>>
First of all, thank you for taking the time to find out about our business. I love obstreperous ostrich and it has been such a dramatic journey. I am always happy to talk about it. Read more>>
The thought process behind starting Resilient Futures ( was driven by the founders’ recognition of the need for trauma-informed and equity-focused training in schools and youth-serving organizations. As three clinical psychologists working in schools, Dr. Laura McArthur, Dr. Eleonora Cahill, and Dr. Megan Brennan, we saw that many youth behavioral challenges stemmed from untold stories of adversity. We wanted to equip educators and community leaders with tools to address trauma and promote sustainable change in school culture. Our combined expertise and passion led us to create a nonprofit that could meet the increasing demand for trauma-informed support in education and community. Read more>>