Our city is home to so many incredible businesses and so we asked the founders how they came up with the ideas for their businesses and have shared their responses below.

Kristy Vergo | Psychic Medium & Licensed Therapist

The image, logo, and services to provide were all driven by meditative experiences. I am a Shamanic practitioner and able to get into an altered state to communicate with who I believe to be my guides, allies, and “spirit team.” Some may refer to this as their higher self. In this altered state I’ve been able to have access to information and messages that I may normally not be attuned to in my every day “waking life.” It’s an opportunity to be able to see issues, goals, relationships, and situations from a zoomed out, bird’s eye view perspective without ego getting into the way. Read more>>

Chloe Rogozinski | Reef Healers Co-founder

The idea for Reef Healers was born from a combination of personal passion and environmental concern. In 2022, scuba diving exposed my business partner Austin Niles and me to the fascinating world of marine life. Even though we have always loved our beach vacations, our visits to the ocean were limited due to living in Colorado. However, as we deepened our diving experience, our appreciation for the ocean and its ecosystems grew. Read more>>

Lindsey Wellman | Stay at Home Mom & Micro Baker

My micro bakery started out as a small way to supplement our income and make that little extra to help with the cost of living. I had to quit a job I really loved to stay home with our daughter due to high costs of daycare; that was not the vision I had for my motherhood and my mental health started to decline. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how I could help my hard working husband with our bills so I thought I would try to sell the sourdough bread that I loved making for our family. Last July, Sweet Lady Jane’s Bakery was born! Read more>>

Kyle “Cutter” Nickerson | Owner/Maker of Cutter Paul

I was originally pursuing a career as a winemaker before I got into hatmaking. In 2017 I moved out to western Colorado to help some friends out with a newly acquired 20 acre vineyard and to gain more experience in viticulture. One day a guy I had just met invited me to a cookout, being a new member of this little town and not knowing many people I decided to go. As soon as I arrived I noticed a guy wearing a cool hat, Ive always been into hats, so I walked up to him and introduced myself. When I asked him where he got his hat he responded, “I made it.” My literal response was, “huh?” Read more>>