Ideas aren’t everything, execution matters greatly, but starting often requires an idea and so we asked folks to think back and tell us the story of how they came up with the idea for their businesses. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite stories below.

Arly Landry | Goodday Bikeworks Owner/Bag Designer

There weren’t any bags on the market that matched the aesthetics of Chris’s curvy retro-style frames. We wanted to create entire bikepacking setups that harken to the golden age of hand-built bicycles (think 19th century French Randonneuring). We also felt that bike bags in general lacked the customization and personality that custom frame building offers. We wanted to create instagram worthy rides, that were also extremely capable. We had a hunch that other cyclists would also want to have more personal and artistic rides. Read more>>

Kaliyah Stevens | Beauty Artist

So the idea I came up with for my business was basically just to show off how I feel whether it’s how I’m feeling happy I’m feeling anxious I’m feeling nervous etc. it really shows off in my expression way I dress to wear to my hair make up so I just wanted to basically express myself through my business because I love the glitz I love the glam, yeah I also love the grunginess the casual day I’m going to wear hoodies and sweatpants and probably a pair of heels look. Read more>>

Kelly Miller | Nutritional Therapist and Recovery Coach

After years of struggling with ADHD, mood instability and addiction, I developed multiple autoimmune disorders and found myself struggling to cope with day to day tasks. I knew that food had always been an issue for me and I never found successful ways to break my nicotine addiction or alcohol dependency. When I became debilitated by chronic illness I began looking into holistic ways to deal with my new diagnosis’ and was lead down a long winding road of learning about the power of using food to heal. While on this journey I discovered that food and certain supplements can also help balance your brain chemistry, reduce cravings and stabilize your mood, helping you to break free from addictive substances. It was then that I knew I had to go back to school and figure out how I could begin to help others on a similar path. That is what lead me to create The Addiction Nutritionist and Warrior Wellness Group. Read more>>

Brayan Ticse | Personal Banker

It all started with my parents selling Alfajores in the Peruvian festivals we had each year. Both my parents love to bake and cook, that was a successful way of showcasing our culture. Over time our family shifted our way of eating. Primarily because my parents started to develop health problems. We focus on going back to the ancient and healthier food that was lost while living in America. Going back to ancient grains and cooking styles that my dad grew up with. After having a lifestyle change we focus on incorporating these new ingredients into the food we had been selling. The idea was born! All the products we made for our consumption help us and we wanted other people to enjoy the benefits. Start selling to family and friend that got intrigued by the new flavors we created. Some of the products are unique like purple corn Chicha (a fermented drink) or quinoa Alfajore (sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche). Read more>>

Sue Mackey | End-of-Life Educator

I had taken a deep emersion course in end-of-life, during which we were all required to complete our advance care planning documents. I felt strongly about the importance of doing this, yet for several years couldn’t bring myself to actually complete mine. When the realization hit me that the reason was because I didn’t feel I had the knowledge to complete them with competency, I began a process of self-education. Once I felt a level of understanding, I realized that there had to be others who were procrastinating for the same reason, so I began offering support to small groups to prepare their advance directives together. At the same time, I was immersed in the world of home funerals, also educating myself on the funeral industry in general. I am still a strong proponent of family-led funerals, and also love helping individuals navigate the funeral industry in order to have their particular needs honored and not over-spend. As I presented to the community on these two end-of-life topics, participants repeatedly asked me about “what else” they needed to consider when making their end-of-life preparations. Read more>>