The Risk Series: how do you think about risk?

Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
Taking risk has played an important part of my career. It allowed me to get opportunities that I might never have imagined possible. I applied and received multiple grants and scholarships that I didn’t think I would get in such a large pool of qualified applicants. However, by changing my mindset from negative to “why not me,” gave me the confidence to apply as well as visualize my goals. Read more>>
There was a lot of risk involved in this project from the beginning, including financial, personal, career, and life risks taken over the first few years. I view risk as a natural part of human progression—something we must embrace to move forward in life. Simply put, without risk, there’s no reward. As humans, we all need to take some form of risk to achieve the things we desire and want in our lives. Read more>>
Such a juicy question! For me, the question of risk-taking and how that fits with being “responsible” came up recently when I was on a call with my sales coach. She went back to the original meaning of ‘responsible’ which is ‘to respond.’ And she spoke about how society’s traditional view of responsibility holds us back from taking risks. Then she asked me, “Was there a time you’ve made an ‘irresponsible’ choice, in the eyes of your family, friends, or society, and it worked out?” Read more>>
I believe risk-taking is essential for both personal and professional growth. While our survival instincts want us to remain in familiar, safe environments, it’s when we step into uncertainty and discomfort that we find out who we are and what we’re capable of. Reflecting on my experiences, the risks I’ve taken have often led to far greater rewards than the times I have stayed in my comfort zone. In fact, the risks I didn’t take often became sources of regret. Even when things don’t go as planned, there is something to be learned —whether it is what-not-to-do or how to turn rejection into motivation. Read more>>
Risk taking is what actually life is all about. I’ve read something these days that sums up what I’ve been living by for the past few years: do it scared, but do it. That’s what I think life is about: doing things, even if you’re scared, but still having the courage to try. From my perspective: if you fail, that’s okay, at least you tried and if you didn’t you would have never known what would happen. Read more>>