Perspectives on work life balance

The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?
It’s definitely hectic to balance being a full-time engineer and fashion blogger! As my blog has evolved and required more work, I have had to reevaluate my work-life balance and prioritize more intentionally. I have had to make sure I am prioritizing not only my work, but myself and my family. Read more>>
I’ve worked 4o hour shifts since the age of 16 and maybe to some that’s not a lot but It tends to be an endless battle of feeling like you never have enough time for the things that matter mostest or even to things that don’t matter at all! I tend to work 9/10 hour shifts most works day 5 times a week, I make sure that on the days I work I give myself an hour (or two ) to relax / eat and genuinely do nothing as a reward from working all day (because you and I deserve AT LEAST that). After my free time I try to be productive with small goals I set for myself that have to do with my well-being. On my days off I try my absolute best to work on content and music as early as possible In the day in order to give the rest of my time to my loved ones. Read more>>
As a music teacher, “work life balance” was never something that I thought about. Teaching is pretty much a 24/7 career, planning lessons, grading, thinking about future lessons, and so forth, and if I wasn’t working at school I was making reeds for my business. So it was always a struggle to take any time for myself. Read more>>
Work life balance, to me, means listening to my body and honoring its ever changing needs. When I first started Forest Moon Medicine, there were times when I was so excited and motivated that I pushed myself and rushed some things. I’ve learned over time to slow down, and move from a place of authenticity and intuition. This has become a non-negotiable strategy for me. I have honed a practice of checking in with myself, and understanding my body’s signals, each day. Read more>>
My driving factor in becoming self employed was the need for improved work life balance. I grew weary of trading my time for a paycheck, especially when my time was not being utilized efficiently. However, as I became my own boss, and eventually developed multiple businesses I once again noticed a shift in work life balance. I could easily take on too much and this time it felt justified since it was all in the name of productivity. However, after 10 years of self employment, I’ve become more attuned to cycles of intense work balanced with down time. I’m not as easily swept up in over achieving and have pared down my tasks substantially.. Read more>>
There is a time for everything, a season for it all. Early in my career, there was a desire and expectation to see what I was made of. Rightly so, as it’s important for any young person to set a metaphorical beast or mountain in front of them and fight the good fight. Work the long hours. Hustle. I believe it’s a necessary test of limits; otherwise, how would you know what your limits are? Read more>>
In the social work field, there is such an importance for a healthy work-life balance, but do people really achieve this for themselves? I often reflect on the idea of work-life balance. My grandfather taught me many lessons, but one that stands out is his advice to, “Do what you love.” I genuinely love and enjoy the work I do with my clients. However, I am a firm believer in self-care and setting boundaries. Burnout is pervasive in this industry, regardless of where you work. Read more>>
I think this is so hard as a business owner. For the average person, I think the outlook is having enough time to pursue your passions, spend time with family and take care of yourself outside of work. As a business owner, it WAY easier for those lines to blur. I find myself reaching for my laptop on the weekend, not because I have to but because I have an idea I am excited about or a project I can’t stop thinking about. Read more>>