What makes you happy?

Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.
God, Family, Friends, Personal relationships I have made along life’s journey, Freedom and the beauty of this world we live in! I have had faith in and loved God for as long as I can remember. He has molded me and prepared me for all aspects of life. I am who I am today because of him and his wonderful Son, Jesus Christ. Without them, I am nothing!! Read more>>
What makes me happy is just being able to go out and take photos or videos of whatever I want, the reason this makes me happy is because it allows me to focus on the subject at hand and allows me to forget about anything negative. When a plan is made for a photo shoot it allows me to come up with creative ideas on how I want the shoot to progress or how can I tell a story with this group of photos. Read more>>
Finding magic in everyday life. I need magic, I need dreams, I need hope and mysticism. So, little reminders of these things, in everyday life, make me happy. Adding to that, I’m happiest when I can be myself and do what I love. Read more>>
A good challenge, seeing a project come to life from conception to success. The reason why is because life is about cycles, beginnings and endings. If we learn to close one cycle and start another, we’ll always be creative, full of passion and success. The danger is to fall into and endless cycle and not knowing when to close the process and start a new one. Read more>>