What role has risk taking played in your life or career?

In our experience, most folks, including ourselves don’t have enough of an understanding of risk and the role it plays in our lives and careers and so we have made a concerted effort as a team to have conversations about risk with our interviewees. We’ve shared some highlights below.
In my life experience risk taking was only possible when I got really clear about what was most important to me and abandoned the need to conform with everyone’s expectations. And risk taking was the key to alignment with my personal values. For decades I did what I was expected to do and tried to write the story that I was told to write. Read more>>
I think risk taking is a natural and important part of being an entrepreneur. I have always taken risks. Some paid off and some did not but I always learned, grew and expanded my dreams and desires. Read more>>
Taking risks is one of the most important aspects of living life as an artist and living life as a human. My entire career has been about creating what I want first and finding how to perfect it later. I think that that’s what makes the most unique art. Doing what speaks to you personally regardless of outside perceptions or possibility of failure. Read more>>
Most men live lives of quiet desperation. Life is a gamble and taking risks in life is a necessary action in order to actualize what you really want. Risk has played a big part in our music endeavors. Even though we are each sacrificing building a career in a more traditional field, we don’t want to look back at our lives in 20 years and regret not pursuing our dreams. Read more>>
Risk is about taking action and letting go of old habits. I strongly believe to go where you’ve never gone before you have to do things you’ve never done before. Taking risks are an essential element in business. I’ve always been a curious cat so taking risks comes a little to natural for me in life. I’ll put all my chips on the table and bet on myself every time. Read more>>
Oh man I think, within reason of course, you just go for it. You can’t let the possibility of failing or being embarrassed or changing your mind or anything else along those lines stop you from trying. It’s so cliche but I really try to live my life with the “someone else’s opinion is none of my business” approach. Read more>>