What’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?

We asked some folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.
It’s the thought that counts. Our actions (or inactions) matter. Thoughts, intentions, wishes, etc do influence who we are however, it is our actions that make us who we are. Read more>>
“Never give up” …that advice sounds great but I always have that feeling that this sentence is not complete … I think we always have to add the word until …Think …you can keep trying for ever and ever and we hear a lot of stories with a happy ending because “you never give up”. Read more>>
I started my personal brand as a content creator in high school. Time and time again, my desire to make this my career was sort of brushed off by adults. I was told that my dreams were simply not realistic. How did I expect to never work for someone else? Well, through years of trial and error, I figured that out. I learned that no matter how unreachable my goals are to other people, it doesn’t mean that I can’t prove them wrong. If there is a will, there will be a way. Read more>>
Getting all of your “ducks in a row” before you can start a business. There are so many ways to navigate this world, if we all went with one or two “right” ways, nothing would get done. It has taken a little longer than I’d like to have certain systems in place but if I waited for that, I would have moved no where. Everyone’s style is different and systems have their merit but if you want to make something and try to sell it, just do that. Read more>>