What’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?

We asked some folks we admire to share one piece of conventional advice they disagree with.
Good question. You know, throughout our lives, we’ve all been told or advised on lot of “shoulds.” How we should be living, what we should and should not do with our time, how we should behave, and I’m sure you can think of many, many more. The thing is, these tidbits of conventional advice or life subscriptions as I like to call them have been passed down through the generations. Some of which have come from time periods that don’t match the 21st century we currently live in. As a society, we have come to accept this advice through repetition and exposure as normal and, using the phrase, ‘it is the way it is’ to rationalize these beliefs. In believing and accepting these bits of conventional advice, we have either voluntarily or involuntarily subscribed to the beliefs of others. I think its ironic you asked me this question because I just ran an online workshop on how to unsubscribe from limiting societal beliefs. Your question was what’s one piece of conventional advice that I disagree with. There are so many, but for now I’ll choose work, ‘hard and play later.’ Think back to when you were young. Have you ever heard someone say this before either to you or someone else? I know I have. Read more>>
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One piece of conventional advice that I disagree with is that formal forms of education is necessary for any type of notoriety, credibility or skill in pursuit of a career. As matter of fact, I believe that traditional schooling, whether it’s public school or private universities, often inhibit you from obtaining the information that will actually serve you best in your pursuit of a career. I have been blessed with the ability to be a self learner in all my endeavors. I homeschooled in high school and at that age, you can be your own teacher without needing a guardian to oversee your progress. As a result, I learned the skills of pursuing my own interest of obtaining knowledge without an outside driving force other than my own free will. This is what equipped me to being self taught in all the disciplines I practice in my life, including my career. Read more>>
In the business of the nonprofit business it’s imperative that you make supporters believe in your organization, your mission, and you. If I were to follow this often used “advice” I would most likely never have the chance to deliver at all. I subscribe to deliver on what you promise and to make and retain believers, those promises must be substantial. Read more>>
The first thing that comes to mind is growing up and hearing things like “oh thats cool you make art but make sure you have a plan B in place.” What they are really saying is “your art is a cute plan B, but make sure you have a plan A” haha. In theory, this makes complete sense but I’ve come to understand that if you really want to sustain yourself in any kind of effective way doing something you love, you give it your 100% effort. Of course there are exceptions to this I know not everyone is in the position to just trust fall into their passions and you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, but I don’t know any working artist who doesn’t work double full time hours. Anyone ever see into the spider verse? “Thats all it is, Miles, a leap of faith.” Read more>>
The concept that making a profit is the most important part of owning your own business has never resonated with me. Neither has the concept that an owner should make the most money in the business. I am a firm believer that if you build it they will come. By that I mean pay employees well, treat them as partners in the business, put them first. Encourage and spend your time focusing on their careers, their needs, their education. They will than be successful, and the owner will, too. It has worked very well for me. We have been in business for 23 years, and put 25 million into the economy in sales. Less than 1% of salons can say this. Read more>>
“Good things come to those who wait” is a piece of conventional advise I would definitely disagree with. I believe that good things come to those who go out and get it. The hustle yields the reward! Read more>>
You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs. Wrong. This thinking makes us lazy by justifying negative outcomes. I’m confident we can do better. We don’t need to sacrifice our soil or water in order to grow food. We don’t need to sacrifice other people or our planet to live full lives. Read more>>