We asked experts from a broad range of industries to open up to us about things they know about their industry but that we probably don’t and we’ve shared some of those responses below.
Angela Delahoussaye | Wedding + Portrait Photographer
Those who’ve never run a full-scale photography business probably don’t know how little time we actually spend taking photos. We’ve heard time and time again that people don’t understand why photography costs so much if it’s “just” 8 hours on a wedding day or “just” 45 minutes at a family photo shoot. The service of photography does include the photo shoot experience and the final photo product, but what outsiders don’t see is the countless hours of answering emails; scheduling meetings with clients and other vendors and contractors; managing finances; updating websites, CREATING websites and landing pages; Read more>>
Tori Shareif-Taylor | Stylist & Digital Creator
“Just be yourself”. Being yourself is in no way negative, but self acceptance is a mountain each and every one of us climbs every day. I believe the journey in finding ourselves may be our true happiness, while this conventional piece of advice is outdated and lazy. This phrase rolls off the tongue so easily by those who would like to think once we are comfortable with our true selves, we have reached the summit. Unfortunately, like all living things on this planet, we are not static. We grow, evolve, and change with every passing beat of our hearts. Growing up as a mixed race little girl, I was told that all I have to do is “be myself” and the rest will follow. Read more>>
Cynthia Johnson | Circus Performer and Coach
The amount of time and effort that our professional circus performers put into their craft. A lot of people who hire us think what we do is a hobby, and that we will work for free. But the reality is that for many of us, performing is a career and we spend many hours a day training and perfecting our art. Read more>>
Mollie Coniglio | Business Social Media Coach
Social Media has become part of life for most of today’s workforce. It’s second nature to most people, as they use it in their daily lives for one reason or another. These workers are uniquely qualified to add the responsibility of managing business Social Media platforms because they grew up with this form of Business to Consumer communication. While they are comfortable with Social Media in their daily life, just a few quick tweaks and they can switch to using it for business reasons. Read more>>
Erik Gilgenast | Custom Woodworking & United States Army Special Forces
The amount of time ,effort and energy required be successful and remain relevant. Read more>>
giancarlo bianchi | Husband, father, cyclist
It’s a lot smaller than one might think Read more>>
L.A. Zwicky | Hairstylist/DJ/Artist/Director of Scorpio Palace
The capitalist driven idea that hard work pays off. Yes it takes a lot of drive and dedication to create success in business but there needs to be balance. Hard work stops paying off when you work yourself to the bone and burn out. I believe rest is just as valuable as “hard work.” Read more>>
George Heiman | HVAC contractor
Follow your passion. Instead Use your god given skill set and chase opportunities, somewhere along the way you will find your passion. Read more>>