What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
giselle potter | Illustrator
I feel so lucky to have a studio on our property so my work commute is a walk across the yard. That allowed me to fit work in whenever I can,between raising a family, keeping a garden and taking dog walks. Read more>>
Lauren Bloom | Landscape Designer / Real Estate Broker / Rancher-Farmer
My husband Micah and I have both worked full time from 18 on. Working while going to college was a challenge but we were both set up with a determined work ethic to out our nose down and get work done. I started working for a Landscape Design and Build firm after college and Micah started his own concrete company at the same time. Read more>>
Emily Medina | Tattooer/Shop Owner & Mother
I was 18 when I started tattooing. You can imagine what I was balancing then. To the Grave Tattoo opened in August 2009 and I was expecting my first born by August 2010. As an independent contractor, as most tattooers are, I couldn’t rely on any sort of maternity leave. I had to hussle! Read more>>
Lina Lansky | Freelancin’ in the Film Industry
The first few years in the film industry, I would work all sorts of hours outside set, and on it, and would cancel plans I made if someone contacted me about an upcoming gig. Read more>>
Chris Stiffler | Founder & Chief, LDT Wines
Coming from 6 years of living the ski bum life in Lake Tahoe to moving to a new town and opening our Tasting Room in White Salmon, WA, my work-life balance has changed a lot over the years. In Tahoe, I worked just enough to have the money to enjoy my time doing all the activities I could outside around the lakem skiing, biking, and rock climbing. Read more>>