Meet Amanda Brainerd | Author
We had the good fortune of connecting with Amanda Brainerd and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Amanda, have you ever found yourself in a spot where you had to decide whether to give up or keep going? How did you make the choice?
When I was trying to find an agent for Age of Consent (Viking 2020) at last a really good agent was very interested. But she took months to read it and get back to me, One day when I was losing my mind over it, I went for a long hike. There was no cell service. On the hike I told myself that no matter what happened with this book I’d keep writing. I’d write another, and if that didn’t work, another. I would never give up. When I got home there was an email from her offering representation.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
One evening in 2008 (yes, that long ago!) I had a writer friend over. We were talking about growing up in New York City and how checked out the parents were, and how many of our friends are damaged as a result. A light went off in my brain and I thought “I’m writing that book.” I’d never thought of becoming a writer. It took me ten years to write Age of Consent, because I had three small children and a full-time job. And I had to learn how to write! Advice to all writers: keep going.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I live in NYC and everything has finally opened up. Even during the worst days of COVID in 2020 the city dwellers kept their spirits up. It’s the most vibrant, soulful city in the world, Favorite things I’d show my friend: Chinatown, which is super fun and bustling with markets selling all kinds of exotic foods. I love to walk around the West Village, walk on the Highline (best urban renewal project ever in NYC) and Central Park. One of my absolute favorite spots is in SoHo. It’s called The Earth Room and it’s a permanent art installation — a whole loft full of soil. It’s very weird but very cool. And it has a cameo in Age of Consent.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I’d like to shout out to Natasha Joukovsky (author of the wonderful A Portrait of a Mirror) who introduced me to Shoutout Colorado!
Twitter: @anerdbrain
Image Credits
Headshot photo credit @theojuliet