Meet Dan and Cathy McNeil | Black Birch Studio –

We had the good fortune of connecting with Dan and Cathy McNeil and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Dan and Cathy, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
A little background: Dan and I (Cathy) are the owners of Black Birch Studio. We have run the studio all through our professional careers,
– Dan as technical director of the Denver Center Theatre Company for 30 years, retiring at 56 to become a full time artist blacksmith.
– Cathy as both set design and scenic artist for the Denver Center Theatre Company then pivoting to Senior Designer for textile and fashion at the Boppy Company.
– our work in our studio spans metal smithing, art for public places as well as gallery work and private commissions.
– we have raised 3 daughters and have 4 grand children.
Risk? we are marinating in it all the time, it is what keeps us trying new techniques, accepting crazy commissions, having difficult conversations about art, life, time, point of view. Risk keeps us sharp, steady and thrilled about this life we get to live
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
We work as a creative team and have done so for almost 40 years and are still going strong. It is our goal to create work that serves others: our community, patrons, brands and arts organizations. We also actively mentor young artists looking for skills or direction.
The work at the Theatre (Dan) involved supporting productions with scenery, lighting and effects for over 500 productions.
At Boppy I am responsible for all of the prints and fashion that support our brand worldwide.
However, our true heart work is in our studio where we have created signature pieces for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) The Federal Center and many commissions that matter deeply to people and represent their organizations. Currently we are excited to have received the commission/award design and build the entrance gates for the Loveland Sculpture Park and we are opening a show at the Boulder library in April.
Oh yes, it has been hard- we have had to learn a lot about building, designing, creating and acquiring skills you don’t learn in school. We have learned that every project has a huge dark pit in the middle of it that drains every piece of confidence that you have as an artist and that there is always a way out, but it involves honing your grit and humor.
(but honestly, we might be the most excited about our 4 grandchildren!!)
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Arrive – We will start our Week doing a quick trip into the mountains to avoid weekend traffic.
So let’s beeline to Glenwood Springs and take in the hot pools – there is great hiking all over and we can rent bikes!!
On our way back down we are taking a jag south to visit our friends in Buena Vista. They are expert kayakers and have a little spot on the river where we can have a tame lesson and again more spectacular hiking and biking, then a concert in the park in the evening,
We should head back down the mountain on Thursday so we can get to Denver for an outdoor concert by the Boulder Bassoon Band in the Botanic Gardens (not sure who is really playing that night)
Friday, Let’s stop in Boulder , Trident Bookstore (we hung out there in the “80’s and it hasn’t changed,
Chautauqua is a
Friday evening – we are going to a Contra Dance at the Avalon Ballroom in Boulder. This quirky event feature live music, a caller and high energy dancing for all ages!
Back to Golden for a little rest – because for our trip the 4th of July just so happens to be on Saturday, we can watch every girlscout group, marching band and fire department parade through Golden down Washington under the “Howdy Folks- Welcome to Golden” sign.
Let’s go the the Colorado School of mines gem museum and the Clear Creek history park while we are down there and we can watch kayakers on the creek while we eat our amazing burritos from Bonfire Burritos.
Saturday pm we head over to the SpeakEasy if we can fit down the hidden ally after chowing down on those burritos.
Sunday morning it is lovely to attend church at 8:30 at Calvary Episcopal in the historic chapel.
a perfectly gorgeous gem in the heart of Golden built in 1867 (also created the seed of Colorado School of Mines)
coffee and lunch at Cafe 13 – sit on patio under giant lights sculptures (created by Black Birch Studio)
Sunday evening – go swing dancing at the Buffalo Rose in Golden (custom iron by Black Birch Studio)
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
To our community of Golden, Colorado. Our neighbors who don’t complain when they hear the ringing of an anvil at 10 pm, or sculptures being hauled up our little dirt road. Who have worked hard to create a community that notices and cares about each other.
To the students at Golden Highschool and the CO School of Mines who have come by to be mentored or just loved on.
To the locations around Golden (Boulder and Denver) who have taken a risk on commissioning our work.
Instagram: @blackbirchstudio
Image Credits
@F4Dstudio – photo of blacksmith at anvil