We had the good fortune of connecting with Holly Morphew and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Holly, what is the most important factor behind your success?
The most important factor behind my success is two-fold. First, I had a vision of where I wanted to go, and second, I never quit. Ninety percent of success is just showing up. If you take time to know what is really important to you, and make choices aligned with what you value, then you are already setting yourself up for success. This is because you will want to do the work it takes to get there. I have a personal life vision that guides me in the same way a compass would, to my own personal north star. Taking time for myself each day to quiet my mind and connect with my vision is vital to staying on track to reach the goals I set for myself. Most of what we are doing in life is learning as we go. There’s a lot of failure on the way to success. If, every time you hit a wall, hear no, or have a disappointment, you ask yourself, “What can I learn from this?” then you have already succeeded. Each time you learn a lesson, you take a step toward your version of success. Keep showing up, being curious, and staying connected to your values, and the success that you desire will come knocking on your door.
What should our readers know about your business?
Financial Impact is a specialized financial coaching practice for professionals and entrepreneurs who want to build personal wealth and reach financial independence. In many ways, this was me. I was a successful, career-driven, professional who was reaching all the milestones in life but feeling increasingly less fulfilled. When I was in my late twenties I found myself in a desperate situation. I was living paycheck to paycheck and discovered that I had $67,000 in credit card debt. I was a high-earner and spending like one too. I had a mortgage, car payment, and lots of bills. For years I had been doing mental accounting. You know, not really looking at the numbers and having a rough idea of what money was coming and going. When I finally faced it, I called my financial advisor thinking he would surely have a solution. I told him I was one paycheck away from defaulting on my mortgage and “even if I do eliminate my debt, how do I get out of the rat race?” His response was, “How much more money would you like to invest?” At first I wasn’t sure if he was listening, but then I realized he didn’t have any answers for my situation. Determined, I set out to learn as much as I could about money, personal finance, and passive income. I incorporated my professional background in finance and real estate, and my experience with entrepreneurship, into a simple system. Three years later I was totally debt free, and shortly after that I had money in the bank. I kept following the system and a few years later, I became financially independent. Today I coach, write, and speak on money and abundance so that other can create personal wealth and live a life of design too. A rising tide lifts all ships. What drives me the most is what lies ahead. We are in the midst of creating a new, more conscious world. Taking care of your money is taking care of yourself. As we shift to prioritizing the well-being of mind, body, and spirit in a post-COVID world, I think we are going to see more emphasis on positive impact and less on bottom line. This is good for humanity and the planet, so I feel we are going in the right direction. Was getting where I am easy? No, not at all. But I chose work that I love, and would do even if I didn’t get paid. This made it easier to keep showing up for the hard stuff. A big challenge for me early on was feeling alone in my field, and as an entrepreneur. The only others I knew who were doing what I was doing were Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey. I didn’t even know what to call myself. Getting my Accredited Financial Counselor® certification in 2015 was a proud moment, because it allowed me to join forces with an organization, the AFCPE, that supports my mission of financial education for everyone. The biggest piece of advice I’d give someone starting something new, is to get into community. Spend time with others who are interested in what you are interested in. Join groups, clubs, and associations. Human beings need to connect. We aren’t meant to work or live in a vacuum, so seek the help that you need and say yes when an offer is extended. I want people to know that building personal wealth is 80% psychological and only 20% strategy. Our natural state is abundance. Take a few seconds to bring to mind five things you are thankful for. Now how do you feel? Gratitude raises our frequency and invites in more people and circumstances that are also vibrating at that frequency. This is the Law of Attraction. What we think about we bring about. Knowing that we already have everything we need and that there is always something to be thankful for, we can enter a state of abundance any moment we choose. Every day you are either building wealth or you’re not. It doesn’t matter what you make. What matters is how much you keep, and what you do with it. Money, like love, is infinite. It’s is intangible and tangible at the same time. It’s a tool that will do whatever you tell it to do. All you have to do is communicate!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I love showing off Denver! It’s such a fun city to share with visitors. Here’s what I would do with a week in Denver with a friend. Day 1: Have an espresso at Pig Train Coffee in Union Station and a tour of the Botanic Gardens. Day 2: Brunch as Sassafras by Mile High Stadium and a walk along the South PlatteRiver Trail, starting at the REI Day 3: Pho on Federal (many good spots to choose from) and a movie at Alamo Day 4: Afternoon bike ride on the Cherry Creek Path and cocktails at El Five for the view Day 5: Dinner at Ophelia’s then a show at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House Day 6: Museum of Contemporary Art and dinner at Guard and Grace Day 7: Shuffleboard at Union Station, dinner at Mercantile, nightcap at The Cooper Lounge
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I wouldn’t be where I am today without those who have helped me along my way. My parents are amazing and have always believed in me. They are at the top of my gratitude list and I am thankful on a daily basis for them. There are so many people I can name who have impacted my life and career in a positive way to help me get where I am. In particular, Al Killeen, the CEO of Integrative Mastery Programs, and author of Soul Proprietorship and Soul Experience, was a mentor who challenged me to dream bigger and create a future based on my values. He was a portal for me to see myself more clearly. I learned from him that we can choose peace, abundance, and well-being. It’s as simple as that.
Website: www.financialimpact.com
Instagram: @hollymorph
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollymorph/
Twitter: @hollymorph
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyMorph
Image Credits
Abby Watkins, Abby Watkins Photography Janel Mathias, Soulful Images Photography