We had the good fortune of connecting with Jessica Boyer and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jessica, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
It wasn’t so much of a thought process as it was guidance and a push.

I learned the full extent of my intuition (being that I am a medium) while I was working in a long career in advertising. I never thought I would leave my well-paying, corporate job “to just be a psychic” as I would say to my friends. However, I would occasionally ask the Universe to make it clear if I was supposed to be using these gifts in my work. My ego thought that I would end up owing a business that had intuitive principles (perhaps a spa in which all the practitioners were guided by their intuition).

In December of 2016, I had been promoted to a pretty high level at my ad agency. I thought that in an industry that so frequently lays off, at least I had job security for awhile after being promoted. A month later, toward the end of January 2017, a friend of mine who also worked in marketing, but who was also intuitive, asked if I wanted to sublet office space with her on Sundays so we could play around with our spiritual gifts. I agreed as it sounded both fun and low-risk (renting office space one day of the week was not an exorbitant amount of money, even in the expensive city of San Francisco).

On that first Sunday at the end of January, we invited a few friends to our new office space. Unexpectedly, my friend asked me to lead everyone in a guided meditation. I had nothing prepared (this was so unlike corporate me!). As the words found their way through me and I brought everyone into presence, I felt this freedom and peace move through. The best word I had for it was flow. I now know it was Divine flow.

Driving home that evening, I asked the Universe: “ok! If I am supposed to do this – make it happen! Show me”.

The VERY next morning, a month after I was promoted, I was laid off in a massive company restructuring. At first, there was fear. I was the bread-winner for the family and we had a young son. A few moments later, this awareness washed over me; I had surrendered the evening before! I felt excitement mixed in with the fear.

In the following weeks after the layoff, I polished my resume and began speaking with recruiters, but the idea of me doing something related to my mediumship was a planted seed. One afternoon, I was listening to a recruiter describe a role and I felt repulsion. In the next moment, a clear nudge whispered “Don’t do this. Open up your practice; try it”.

I couldn’t believe I was really going to do it, but I couldn’t ignore this nudge.

I took my husband to dinner and somewhere between the ordering and the eating, I told him I wanted to give my mediumship practice a go and if it did not pan out, I would return to marketing. After all, I had a few months of severance so it was no risk (right?!) He stumbled out words that sounded like “You are going to do what now?”

Despite us both feeling I was perhaps insane, things fell into place. Office space was easily acquired and I could pay a low hourly fee for only the time I used. I decided to announce my shift on Facebook. I had so many friends who knew me through my business persona, that it felt very vulnerable and reputation-risking. However, the response I received was supportive and inspiring. A few signed up for sessions.

My first professional mediumship session was on February 12, 2017. After that, people I had seen referred others to me and my practice grew. I shifted focus from 1:1 sessions to workshops, realizing the joy and connection they bring to me. I haven’t gone back to a corporate office (except to visit)!

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Well, I am a medium and so that begins the process of setting me apart from others as it is not a typical business!

Within the field of intuition sessions, I do feel that my calling is to demystify the mystical and to guide people in trusting their own deep well of connection.

I used to tell others that I was a grounded and practical medium, not a flittering, ungrounded butterfly (nothing against butterflies!). I believe strongly that we all have the ability to connect in a spiritual way. I know of countless claims in which someone saw a flower or a bird and they thought of their loved one who had passed. I used to believe what most people seem to believe about that – that we were simply reminded of them. Once I realized my ability to connect to people who have passed, I had this knowing that all of those instances truly are connections to our loved ones. Our society just programs us to believe it is not true or that it is wrong or one of many other reasons it is bad.

I found that many, if not most, of my clients were professionals as I had been. These were doctors, psychotherapists, attorneys, hedge fund managers and tech workers (I’m in the Bay Area!). They were coming to me because they felt a nudge. I know that I am placed in their paths to help them trust their intuition. I believe intuition to be such a powerful tool in our healing and development into whole, ethical and conscious humans.

My practice started out as solely conducting 1:1 sessions, mostly channeling loved ones who had passed. These loved ones would come through as an instrument of trust – to give us details of their life or relationship that would help us all believe there is something bigger operating. And, of course, they would give messages. These messages would usually serve to help the client in their own deep healing. There would be closure or an acknowledgment of a family pattern that the person would not have been able to admit when they were here in a body. The admission of the unseen, unsaid or unacknowledged is so powerful.

It was not always easy as people tend to have Hollywood-informed expectations or pre-conceived beliefs and fears about a medium.

I would always tell my clients that Spirit did not send them to me to receive prediction on whether or not they were going to meet “the one”, to find out the result of a pending test result or court case or to receive specific advice on what they “should” do. Instead, the messages were meant to help illuminate or soothe trauma and deeply-held limiting beliefs or behaviors.

While most of my clients were drawn to me because they were ready to receive healing in this way, some were not quite ready. I once had someone arrive and tell me they were there to have me prove to them that this stuff was real. Or, I would find that some clients would not want to focus on the deeper mending and would try to push an agenda, asking me to answer specific questions that didn’t align with my purpose in doing the work. Over time, these challenges shaped me and helped me in my own path as a healing human. I was able to be more clear about my boundaries and about what to expect and not expect. And, I was able to detach from the outcome of a session, knowing that I truly was just the medium; I could not be responsible for what the client did with the information.

The biggest lesson I have learned is to honor self and if that is hard, to give yourself the gift of inner exploration. I find that when I free myself of the gunk and muck of old programming, I can be a free being who can be in joy and serenity (and I can also help others with better resources).

I want the world to know that I am here to be a guide in trusting your own intuition and that it can be a support for therapy, trauma healing and mindfulness. I am shifting my practice to offer more workshops that serve these purposes.

While I loved seeing clients 1:1, I began doing workshops to give space for people to explore intuitive connection through sharing, meditation and channeling. Participants are constantly amazed that they can connect to a loved one or a guide or a divine presence. To see someone with their eyes sparkling after they received such a specific insight, word or name is a magical gift.

A bit about new content coming through: I also feel the emergence of new workshop content in the area of trauma and the intuition/body/mind connection. While I will never replace trauma-informed therapies, I did get guidance to offer a Spirit-guided lens after I had my own experience of my (deceased) grandparents guiding me to areas in my body that needed to release trauma. I received these messages with no prior knowledge of there being anything like this offered in therapies like TRE. They told me to shake, to sing and to open myself to let Spirit heal. It was after I received these messages from my grandparents that I learned about similar modes of somatic therapy/healing that existed in scientific, psychological practices! So, while I am not yet offering the workshop, I feel it bubbling up and look forward to allowing it into the world.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I take my best friends into nature with me. I live in San Francisco, so I head to Fort Funston that overlooks the ocean. I go to Land’s End, which has the best views of the Golden Gate Bridge as you turn some of the corners of the trail. I’d take them south to Sawyer Camp Trail, where you walk or bike along Crystal Springs. When I am in nature, I feel the synchronicity and charge of this world. I feel the balance in the chaos and the beauty in the loss.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would not have been able to explore an intuitive career if I did not have the support and trust of my husband, Will Boyer. It was a very big shift for our family to have me leave a structured, corporate and monetarily success-driven field into a feelings, inner-awareness and metaphysically-driven field. There were (and probably still are) a lot of people who didn’t understand why I would make this shift. Many people are scared by intuition and many think tapping into it is wrong. Will himself isn’t lining up for a session or a reading with anyone, but he believes in me and understands that me opening to my intuitive gifts is an awakening that heals both me and my clients. I am grateful beyond words for his support.

I also cannot answer anything about my life without mentioning the miracle in our life – our son, Jude. He inspires me. He is a ball of bright light and energy and makes us laugh every day. He is also becoming aware of his own connection to something magical that we cannot see; he has been talking to my grandparents who have all passed and learning that he gets specific info from them. I wish we could also have the confidence and trust in the unknown/divine as a child who hasn’t been told it is wrong.

Website: jessicaboyer.net

Instagram: @medium_amongst_moms

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicaboyerstrategy/

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/jessica-boyer-san-francisco-3

Image Credits
Jessica Boyer

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