Meet Mo Barrett | Catalytic Comedian

We had the good fortune of connecting with Mo Barrett and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Mo, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I used to ask my Dad and Mom how they met. Dad would launch into a story about shopping for tools at Sears and how he was mesmerized, to the point of speechlessness, by the angelic cashier. How he had to go back everyday for a week buying some tool he didn’t need just to interact (wordlessly) with her. And then on the 6th day, he mustered up the nerve to ask her out to lunch. I swear his version had a John Williams soundtrack faintly playing in the background, stage lighting and everything.
Mom could barely stay awake during her version about the guy who came back every. single. day. for. a. week. to buy one tool at a time.
I realized that every interaction has at least two perspectives and how we look at the interaction and how we relay and relive that interaction can have a significant impact on the memory of that event.
I want to be in business of helping people find the magic in the mundane and the opportunities hiding in plain sight all around us.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I chose the “artist/creative” category because I think professional (which is probably NAICS code-wise where I belong) is a little too restrictive. Not necessarily in terms of what I do, but how I do. As a public speaker, I want to make people laugh, learn and think (in that order). The challenge I battle is how to be taken seriously enough to get in the door and funny enough to stay in the room. I use “catalytic comedian” because I leverage humor to create change (in our thoughts, actions and perspectives). So one laugh at a time, I’m working to normalize humor in professional settings.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
OMG! As a DC tour guide and quirky-fact collector, I force visitors into DC.
They can do museums and read plaques on their own time, but we’ll be in DC in the evening — better lighting, no traffic, fewer kids — looking at the monuments and memorials that we read about and hear about in school books.
I’ll take them to experience the cool acoustic phenomenon at the Einstein statue or the Canadian Embassy rotunda (or both). We’ll look for the 2 Kilroy etchings on the WWII memorial. I’ll point out the symbol changes on the Vietnam Memorial Wall that my youngest niece (a forensic archeologist) is responsible for.
And we’ll be sure to grab at least one drink in Old Ebbitt’s Grill, because it’s cool.
At some point during the week, we’ll be pounding mallets over crabs and beer (that sounds sexual, I assure you, it is not).
We’ll venture up to Fort McHenry because that’s where my favorite song was penned.
In between all the touring and 12-mile foot traffic, we’ll be hanging out at my house. Either by the fire pit on the deck, the fire pit by the pool or at the dining room table playing games (cards, sequence, Othello, Listicles, etc).
Sound good?
When are you coming to visit?
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
My parents (Hi Mom and Dad). My two nieces who make me prouder and prouder every day. My partner in life, Jen. My partner in entertainment, Katy. But honestly, anyone who put up with me and let me bring my unique quirk to the world, workplace and party.
Twitter: See MySpace page LOL
Youtube: @ mobarrett
Other: Podcast: