Meet Tabitha Panariso | Writer and Speaker

We had the good fortune of connecting with Tabitha Panariso and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Tabitha, Let’s talk about principles and values – what matters to you most?
While humility and determination are both values that are significant to me, faith is what compels me in everything that I do.
It is the essence of my work. And, it’s what gives me hope for the future and courage to run into it.
By faith, I believe that God so loved each and every one of us that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. By faith, I offer up words online that I hope encourage and edify. By faith, I choose to stand with those who feel tired and weary. Because, I believe that everyone should have someone in their corner. By faith, I have honest conversations even when it’s hard or unpopular. By faith, I continue to keep showing up.
I don’t believe I can do it on my own. I don’t want to. And, faith tells me I don’t have to.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
In the last decade, I’ve learned that the only way to endure is to keep the main thing, the main thing. For me, that’s Jesus. In the time that it’s taken me to arrive to this revelation, I’ve become incredibly passionate about encouraging the weary and the discouraged. It’s my mission to help women fight for an unwavering faith in an unsteady world.
This wasn’t always the case. Mainly, because I haven’t always considered myself a fighter. In fact, I always saw myself as inconsistent, undisciplined, and inclined to play victim. It was rather easy to make excuses for my behavior. In circumstances that required my tenacity, I was more likely to shut down and hide. While this has been my biggest challenge, it’s easily become the best story I get to tell. For God’s glory, not mine.
I did learn a few things along the way. First, we don’t have to be in a hurry to prove ourselves. Sometimes, we don’t take enough advantage of the time we’ve been given. We want to rush ahead and make things happen. But, time is a gift and not a hindrance. It allows for maturity, not just opportunity. I know that this goes against everything society tell us, but wisdom really is the better thing. We get to carry it with us and no one can take it from us. Second, humility is strength. It allows one to live and act from both kindness and love. More so, in an age of offense and criticism — humility offers courage. I don’t have to worry about defending myself and, I’m more likely to admit that I’ve made a mistake. For me, humility has been the conduit of growth. With it, I’m able to not only acknowledge the areas in which I need to grow but actually act upon them.
Taking the time to slow down and respond from a place of humility has helped me overcome a myriad of hurdles and obstacles in my life. It’s helped me to realize that in order to fight the good fight, our pace and our posture matter.
More than anything, this is what I want others to know – that it is possible to persist when when life is hard. All it takes is the willingness to surrender ourselves to the process. And, to be encouraged that there’s always someone in our corner.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m fortunate to have lived in Colorado Springs for almost 25 years and love it here. If I wanted the perfect day, I’d start with coffee. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve almost visited every coffee shop in town. At the top of my list is Peak Place, a shop that happens to serve the best locally roasted beans from Hold Fast Coffee Co. Then, I’d head either to Urban Egg for the most delicious biscuits and gravy or to Homa at Kinship Landing for their ‘Rise and Shine’ hand pie. If I could still move after all that deliciousness, I’d drive over to Section 16 or the Pineries Open Space Trail. Located in Black Forest, both offer a recluse from the busy sprawl of the city. Finally, the best way to end the day is to drive up to the Blodgett Peak Trailhead where you can take in the city lights for as far as the eye can see. That or, head South to the Broadmoor to take a leisurely walk around the lake. Then, we’d land at the best Airbnb in town, The Lofthouse – where the hosts make fresh banana bread for their guests and there’s tons of open floor to dance.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I certainly haven’t been able to get where I am today without the support and encouragement from several people. While I could most certainly list many individuals who have done nothing but championed me, I’d like to dedicate this shoutout to my husband. In the 16 years that we’ve been together, Ethan has always been my advocate. He’s built writing desks, sponsored flights to conferences, and has always been the one to speak truth to me on days when I feel defeated and discouraged. Not once has he doubted my abilities, and on days when I want to give up – he simply holds me up until I’m ready to keep going. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband and friend.
Other: Pep Talks for the Persistent Soul: (Weekly Email)
Image Credits
Jen Lints