Meet Todd Plymale-Mallory | Mind, Body +Soul Mechanic

We had the good fortune of connecting with Todd Plymale-Malllory and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Todd, what principle do you value most?
I was blessed as a young man to grow up in Los Angeles with amazing education, international influence and a deep curiosity and gift for understanding other people. In the midst of this blessing my heart revealed early on; my path in this incarnation was a life of service, as a man for others. Even in youth this fate was poignantly clear to me as I witnessed so many around me suffering physically, emotionally or/and spiritually.
The greatest gift of this choice for a path of service to ease the suffering of those around you…. the wage is gratitude.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
As the Mind, Body, and Soul Mechanic, I have learned to recognize how life, professional and athletic performance, and successful relationships come from the ability to fully see ourselves for our strengths and weaknesses. One of my greatest gifts is my ability help my patients take a global view of their lives to see not just their pains and sufferings, but to find all of the areas of their lives out of tune and guide them all back to harmony.
In my nearly 30 Years of practice, and having a specialty in Orthopedic Acupuncture, I have been blessed to work with countless hi-level humans. From top executives of Fortune 500 companies, to professional athletes from the NBA, AVP, MMA, NFL, World Cycling Tour, Ironman, and Professional musicians from all offer the planet.
Ironically, physical pain is often the common factor that brings people to my practice, and almost invariably we end up on an amazing journey to help people improve not only their pain symptoms, but to level up how these individuals are showing up to serve their unique purpose in the world. I am truly blessed with this sacred role in my patients lives.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Music is the Sacred Dance….
I am a singer and a musician. In the modern world, where many have abandoned organized religions in favor of spiritual pursuits, concerts and music festivals have replaced the church, temple, and synagogue as the sacred space for spiritual enlightenment and conscious community connection.
When people are looking to level up, I like to take them to Red Rocks for a concert and watch them as the top of their head blows off and their heart opens up through the happy harmonies, the moving melodies, and the righteous rhythms of live music.
The community, conscious connection, and essential joy that comes from music and dance is eternal.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Passionate people need the guidance of kind and powerfully passionate mentors. As a young man, I was taught by Steve Kinney (RIP) the importance of a really sharp knife and how dynamically delicious and consciously prepared food was actually a medicinal gift to those around us. At Loyola High School of Los Angeles, the Jesuits taught me the power of Loving others as a path, and Bishop Gordon Bennett S.J. Illuminated for me how intellectual brilliance was as much about showing up powerfully as uniquely ourselves as a good education.
At Yo San University of Chinese Medicine, the Ni Brothers Mao and Dao taught me the beautiful harmony between stillness and professional progress, and David Cohen guided me to the understanding of how Change is our ONLY constant and how to gracefully navigate this unfolding.
In the first years of my practice, Neal Stuart Miller L.Ac revealed for me the synergy between all of these former lessons, and how to embrace them all with a vigor and curiosity for the good of my patients.
Most, powerfully I have also been blessed with and old souled, Master Jedi, Black Belt in Mothering Mom who showed the grace and power of the feminine and masculine, and respect for all souls.
Instagram: Tplymal
Twitter: @tplymal
Facebook: @MindBodySoulMechanic