Most of the media often paints all businesses with a single stroke, but in our experience businesses are each unique and so many of them are focused on making the world a better place. We’ve highlighted a few such gems below.

Ruth Jackson | The Sassy Baker and Founder of Bake it with Sass

Bake it with Sass’s goal is to provide my Deaf community access to my love of baking as well as bring both hearing and Deaf together while learning something new! Bake it with Sass was born because I couldn’t find baking videos in ASL. I did, however, find a few cooking videos in ASL but without captions and I realized this leaves out those who are learning or don’t know our language. The Deaf community is constantly getting left out of mainstream media due to lack of or inaccurate captions aka craptions. In light of this, Bake it with Sass seeks to bring communities together through baking. Read more>>

Wyatt Lovera | First time homeowner specialist

We wanted to build a business that had a true positive impact on our community. We help people take their first step on the path to homeownership by offering tailored representation and resources during their rental search. After finding their perfect rental with the best incentives, we curate knowledge-based homebuyer guides the empower our renters to take the big leap into homeownership one day! Knowledge is power, and we want every person to know about every type of first-time homebuyer program available. We believe in homeownership for all, and do not want people to miss out simply because they are not aware of how close they truly are to being able to own a home. Read more>>

Maheli Dionicio | Full time mom & Clothing Reseller

I am clothing reseller; I believe my business helps the world by saving clothes that will end up in landfills. It makes me happy to give secondhand clothes a new life instead of them going to waste. I have built a community of loyal customers and I offer affordable prices to them in hopes that they will come back and shop with me. Helping them achieve their dream wardrobe during these hard times of inflation. Read more>>