Pivot or Persevere?

To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?
As an artist, the struggle with imposter syndrome is something I face on a daily basis. I am constantly tuning out the voice in my head that tells me I am a failure, that i’ll never be as good as my peers, or that i’ll never get better. It can be overwhelming, but simply knowing that all artists feel this way sometimes is a huge comfort. There is no success without risk of failure, and no growth without stepping outside your comfort zone and actively working to improve. Read more>>
I think society has trained us to give up easily so that we won’t succeed. Because what they don’t tell you is that is the key. When it comes to reaching your goals and doing things that will benefit you in the long run, the hardest but most rewarding thing to do is to keep going. I used to think it was so corny when people would tell me that but it’s so true, whatever you do, don’t give up! One of my favorite quotes is,”if you’re going through hell, keep going.” Read more>>
“Giving up” is our best effort / way to relieve ourselves from the stress, pressures, “shoulds”, etc. in a society that wants us to “fit in” breaking the mold of that can feel challenging. Keep going means daily consistent effort. If you start something for the long game and it is in alignment with your soul purpose and you are living life on purpose than it becomes a flow with your world. You create, it always evolves and changes. I think giving up is either a change to redirect or to realign, but is giving up really truly an option or is giving up an illusion of security? Only you will know. Read more>>