Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I stand true with that and believe anyone can do anything if you put your mind to it and work hard enough. The comfort zone will kill you if you stay in it long enough so sometimes we all just have to take that risk we have been pushing off and allow the new opportunities and challenges to come our way. I heard one time, chase the dream because the dream won’t chase you back and it forever stuck with me. We all have a short life with lots of dreams and ambitions but most fail to take the risk and miss out on becoming the legendary person they dreamed of. What ever avenue or direction in life you want to take, do it and do it to your fullest potential. This life is yours and yours to create. Chase the dream, take the risk and become legendary. Read more>>
As the owner, I have committed myself to volunteer for any needed committees or boards where I can have an impact. These are mostly focused to our downtown partnership where I am on the Business Improvement District board, a DEIA initiative and many other projects where the input from a business is helpful (construction projects, parking situations, and overall marketing of the downtown core businesses). I developed our own charitable arm during COVID called Meals to Heal-Feeding the Frontline. Read more>>
Emily Dickinson has a quote that I’ve loved since I was a little girl: “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.” My hope is that therapy with me provides understanding, comfort, and direction for folks who are working to make sense of their past experiences, and to help them clarify what they want for their lives moving forward. Often, it can feel overwhelming to consider how to make a difference in your community and the world. There’s so much, and so many people, who need support! In my opinion, micro-moments of sitting and connecting with another person, and really listening to their experiences, is how I can best serve my community. Read more>>
As a home stager and interior designer, I’m deeply inspired by nature, art and any form of creativity. Nature’s organic forms and calming palettes influence my designs, bringing a sense of tranquility and balance into the spaces I create. Art with its bold expression and diverse styles encourages me to blend textures, colours, and unique pieces that tell a story. Ultimately, creativity fuels my ability to see potential in every space, transforming it into something inviting, personal, and beautiful. This combination helps me design homes that not only look stunning but also feel harmonious and alive. Read more>>
Dedication and taking risks. I hated being micro managed and realized that that’s not how I want to live for the rest of my life. taking the first step to quitting my 9-5 was the hardest decision of my life knowing that I have bills and rent with no income. yet I still did it. Read more>>
Authenticity is a core value in our work. Like many new therapists, I initially believed that maintaining a professional façade would help build legitimacy and trust, creating a safe, contained space for clients. I quickly realized that this approach is alienating for both client and therapist. Since helping others embrace their true selves is a primary goal of therapy, we must be willing to show up as our authentic selves as well. Read more>>
Integrity. I see integrity as wholeness (as in integer=whole number), so connection to essence, and so to the flow of life. I apply Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks’ qualities of integrity as including: speaking the bottomline, unarguable truth; feeling reactive emotions all the way through, back to real self; making and keeping great agreements; and taking 100% responsibility. Read more>>
Interior design is more technical and multifaceted than most people realize. While we enjoy the perception of being creative and stylish trendsetters, we are also meticulous project managers and advocates for public health and safety. We are well-versed in construction methods, codes, and the technical aspects of the materials, fixtures, and products we specify. Read more>>
My overarching purpose in life is to build technology that accelerates the rise of sustainable solutions, making them not only the environmentally conscious choice but also the most affordable and widely adopted across society. I aim to foster a world where sustainable technologies dominate because they make the most economic sense, driving large-scale adoption. Read more>>
Well this is a fairly broad question, but as it relates to Music and my business, I’d say it was leaving the comfort of a steady paycheck. Our American lives are built on day to day, month to month operations, due dates and bills to survive comfortably. At least at a level that I believe in. When I left my career with an idea that there was something out there that felt more like I was intended to do, I had to leave the security of constant income behind. I adjusted my lifestyle and brandished a different view of living. When you are a working musician, you have to believe in yourself, and believe in a work ethic that does not allow much disengagement. Read more>>