What makes you happy?

Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.
It gives me much joy to create bespoke women’s clothes so that the end result makes the wearer feel good and look good at the same time. I love working with my hands and to drape, sew and hand finish garments has become therapeutic for me. To slow down and enjoy the process has affected my body, mind and soul. Read more>>
One of the happiest feelings I have is when I see a customer have our product for the first time. They are in peanut butter heaven! The feeling is even stronger when I read our testimonials from our current customers. Feeding people is what makes me happy. Problem-solving and navigating all the challenges The PB Love Company also makes me happy. Giving myself wellness and making sure I can perform well makes me happy… just all feels so damn good! Read more>>
This life. I worked as a Respiratory Therapist at a children’s hospital for 10 years, and the most significant thing I took from that experience was to really honor how precious our lives are. Every breath that we can take unassisted, every day that we have the opportunity to step outside into the sunshine, into our livelihood…our freedom, that is truly precious and should be celebrated as such. Coming back into gratitude and working, building and striving from a heart centered space. This makes me happy. We are truly blessed. Read more>>